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miniBB and add-ons performance

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Author Anonymous
#16 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 02:29
"Specially developed for small and medium forum communities, which have less than 100 unique posts per day, miniBB also could be used in large projects."

If I'm the only user on the system and I add a new post every 2 mins.. i.e 720 posts that day... How minibb not handle that as well as 100 posts that day ?

What if there are just 50 posts on a given day, but they are all submited to the website within 10 seconds.. i.e. 5 postings a second... would minibbs be more comfortable handling this?

Isn't a better measure peak performance (how well it handle simultaneous requests over a set time) and scalability (as the number of simulataneous increases the time to complete decreases in a steady fashion.. at what load does this steady line/curve break down)


Author Team
#17 · Posted: 15 Jul 2005 11:04
Actually, it's not a miniBB's task. It's mySQL and your server's/connection task. miniBB uses very native functions and request for getting the data. I am sure it's able to handle 2 posts/min, but it depends more on your server's hardware and literate configuration.

Author pepetrueno
#18 · Posted: 17 Jul 2005 05:51
what is the biggest amount of users miniBB can handle?, i mean.. users online at the same time... i'm asking cuz i have a personals site, and i thinking about integrating miniBB as a forum... and sometimes there are round 7000 users logged at the same time.. and i want to know if miniBB would suport that amount ot users without problems...

Author testing
#19 · Posted: 11 Oct 2005 13:35
I was thinking about using minibb for its integration ability to be in with websites but it seems that once it become a large forum say 10000+ members the forum will be very slow? Im wanting to make my forum grow hugely and it would be great if minibb was able to handle all the posts and members. Can it or should i go for other forum software? I read about the php accelerator software but i dont think this is good enough 8 seconds for only 100,000 posts is slow.

Author Team
#20 · Posted: 11 Oct 2005 13:42
Hardware and PHP server optimization are your tasks in that case.

One of the largest boards currently is

it handles about 1,7 Mln. posts and more than 50 K of members, on just 2 separated servers, one for Apache and one for mySQL (which actually handles also a lot of other databases).

Author Lost Angel
#21 · Posted: 17 Mar 2006 00:29
Could someone please, give me some specific figures on the bandwidth and space usage with this forumware?
Like with how many users, how much of bw averagely...

Thank you in advance!

Author Team
#22 · Posted: 17 Mar 2006 08:39
The smallest is possible. We have had 268784 hits in February and Bandwidth 4.11 GB.

Author Anonymous
#23 · Posted: 28 Nov 2006 15:36
if topic view is disabled, will this make all pages in forum directory load faster? or just main page where the views are shown? also, how to disable topic views?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#24 · Posted: 29 Nov 2006 04:25
This actually will save up resources when somebody is viewing the topic, i.e. clicking on its title and going to the first page of the topic. I know on very active forums this can be critical, when a lot of people are opening topics and reading them, so UPDATE command needs to execute often, and this is a huge resources operation.

This setting will not affect reading of the first page or intermediate pages.

Author MiniBB user
#25 · Posted: 14 Aug 2007 06:20
Speed of MiniBB and Official Addons

I am very happy with the speed of the basic MiniBB script. I understand that if we add one addons such as Human Authorization to the basic script. to the extent of the addon's process, the speed will be reduced. It could be a few milliseconds that would not be noticed by one or two users.

However what will happen if I add many addons? For example if I buy:
File Attachments and Automatic Image Galleries.
Private Messaging.

will there be a considerable reducation in speed when 40 to 50 members access the forum at the same time?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#26 · Posted: 14 Aug 2007 12:55
I know the forums which are accessed by 200-300 members by the same time, they have private messaging, captcha, file upload and few of other custom add-ons installed... and everything I could say here - it only depends on what kind of powerful hardware do you have. Proper server configuration also means a lot. I think, 40 or 50 members will not make any critical difference in speed if you have everything properly configured. It could even work on the shared hosting with no big problems.

Anyway, you won't know it until you try it ;-)

And one more thing... Pre-moderation is not for the instant forums with such a lot of members.

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 miniBB and add-ons performance
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