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miniBB and add-ons performance

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Author Delirium
#1 · Posted: 11 Sep 2004 08:28
I apologize if this post is in the wrong category. Feel free to move it if necessary.

I've seen on some other forums that people have discredited this board (e.g. some of the posts on this site I came across ) due to page loading time at the bottom. It seems to me that this is unfair to miniBB because it shows how long it takes for the page to load on the client's browser, rather than how long it takes for the script to execute on the server, like other scripts show. Comparitively to the uninformed, this makes miniBB seem like a resource hog. ( You would probably crap your pants if miniBB actually took 1.5 seconds to execute something. )

I know that script execution time measurement would take more cycles in and of itself, so perhaps miniBB should get some benchmarks done against other boards?

I'm particularly interested in benchmarks against PunBB and phorum, as I've seen some people switch to that one. Other boards worth showing benchmarks against would be phpBB and invision board.

I've been through a lot of forum systems, and cms's and I've become a minimalist due to server costs. Resource hogging sites can be booted or halted without question, so it would be nice to know on a uniform server platform, how all these scripts rate out against each other on cpu usage.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 13 Sep 2004 10:36
You are absolutely right. miniBB shows the TOTAL TIME to load, including transferring to a browser. So, it more depends on your and our server's connection speed.

As about benchmarks - calculating only execution time is not worth for our board. It will take more code than necessary :) But actually, we will think about it in new version.

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 29 Nov 2004 09:05
I'm curious as to how large database does miniBB create - for example per 1000 posts - compared to some other forums (like phpbb, invision, etc). I wouldn't want a huge database just for having thousands of posts.

How well are miniBB forums usually spidered by search engine bots?

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 29 Nov 2004 11:44
1. We have very minimalized and optimized database structure. As you see, we ourselves have here about 10,000 posts. I've made database dat dump, and it takes about just 4,5 Mb in size.

2. I guess, spidering goes well.

Author Anonymous
#5 · Posted: 25 Dec 2004 01:30
I was wondering if this forum was tested with more then 150 concurent users. I am using XMB forum now, and it is "crashing" server every evening with more then 120 concurent users are online (Server load rises up tu 20). So if I would transfer to this forum .. i would need to know that it won't crash. :D thnx

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 25 Dec 2004 03:00
We haven't done such tests. But miniBB 2.0 can handle more than 1 million of posts and you can disable(!) topic views count in it to make your database work faster, with topic views disabled it will handle several hundreds of users i bet.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#7 · Posted: 14 Feb 2005 13:23
I have a forum with some topics but one of them is the general one. One topic. After it becomes very huge, I think to make it "read only" under Sub-No. 1 and to post the same topic under Sub-No. 2.

So what is the approximate volume of the posts (now they are about 1000) after which I have to do that, if I want the topic to be opened well and to be searchable without problems?

Author Team
#8 · Posted: 14 Feb 2005 13:37
I think, it depends only on you as administrator. Search and opening work the same way on any posts amount.

I guess, keeping more than 100 pages within one topic is enough to split it to 2 parts (just theoretically).

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#9 · Posted: 14 Feb 2005 13:53
Thank you.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#10 · Posted: 2 Mar 2005 10:16
The speed depends not only on software itself, but also on connection speed. In ture, we have very small server here. I doubt if we have here something like phpBB, it would be faster... miniBB is designed exactly for non-powerful servers with often database hang-ups etc.

Author Anonymous
#11 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 03:26
so you write on the website minibb is good for up to 100 posts a day, correct? What I have 1000 posts a day and big traffic -- will minibb work well then? Thanks.


Author Team
#12 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 21:44
It depends more on your server and HARDWARE configuration, actually, not on miniBB. miniBB uses very native functions in its code, so it should work on a good hardware like any other light script. And we would be happy, if somebody will run such big forums - just to know, how strong miniBB is...

Author Anonymous
#13 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 21:47
Thanks Team! -- but I"m not sure what would be the difference between the server and hardware configuration (do you mean the poster's local computer)?


Author Team
#14 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 22:16
what would be the difference between the server and hardware configuration (do you mean the poster's local computer)? - I mean YOUR SERVER. It doesn't depend on poster's computer, how fast scripts are executing.

Author Anonymous
#15 · Posted: 3 Jul 2005 22:24
Gr8, thanks!

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 miniBB and add-ons performance
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