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Minibb and Moodle intergration help

Author Faren
#1 · Posted: 20 Aug 2005 20:41
I need to intergrate Moodle and Minibb. What I want to do is have the moodle users be able to login to the miniBB without having to create a new account. Can anyone write a plugin or soemthing for this?

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 21 Aug 2005 20:51
Synchronizing miniBB article could help you on the subject.

However, we are doing commercial stuff like yours, too. Depending on the difficulty level, price could be starting from $55.

Contact us privately, if you need this.

Author Faren
#3 · Posted: 22 Aug 2005 15:09
We'll this is for a non-profit organization (where no money is even given to or distributed around). Its just basically me, my friend, and my brother. Were doing a teacher help website to help our school and any other that wants our services. Therefore, our spending margin is $0. You made it sound like intergrating a piece of php software with miniBB was easy. I don't see why someone on the team couldn't just write the intergration script for us (and tell us what files to move).

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 22 Aug 2005 15:25
So, that article could provide every info you need on integration. We fully understand your situation, but miniBB is just free software, not service. We don't have any idea what Moodle is and how to turn it on. We need to study it and spend our time on it (and time is not really cheap). Our "team" is just 2 people. We can not do everything for everyone for free.

If we would do something like this, our life would become instant free support of thousands free customers. No time to eat, and no time to sleep :) Only doing customizings for free.

Author Faren
#5 · Posted: 23 Aug 2005 15:27
I understand. Is there anyone other than you in the community (anyone out there) that can help me do this?

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 Minibb and Moodle intergration help
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