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MiniBB with MSSQL

Author tomas
#1 · Posted: 6 Mar 2008 10:34
Hi .. I have a few questions..
I build website with forum for friend and I using miniBB ... It's cool but i dont know How I can use it with MSSQL database... I can't use it with MySQL ...

You write on Manual this...

"$DB = 'mysql'; Depending on your database module, could be 'mysql', 'postgresql' or 'mssql'. Keep 'mysql' for current version of miniBB."

I create normal Mysql db, restore tables and after portable tables to MSSQL database with this software ... I change option "$DB" to mssql, but when i trying open board in browser, I obtained only error message ...

"Warning: include(./setup_mssql.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\webserver\htdocs\forum\index.php on line 44

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening './setup_mssql.php' for inclusion (include_path='.;C:\webserver\php\pear\') in C:\webserver\htdocs\forum\index.php on line 44

Fatal error: Call to undefined function db_ipcheck() in C:\webserver\htdocs\forum\index.php on line 272"

I know.. in main folder missing setup_mssql.php file... There is only setup_mysql.php. And my questions is...
It's possible running miniBB board with MSSQL database server?
Where I can find setup_mssql.php file for download?
How i setup minibb board for comunication with MSSQL DBserver?

Thanks for request... and sorry for my bad english :]

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 6 Mar 2008 12:15
It would be possible to run miniBB with MSSQL if you re-write all functions provided in setup_mysql.php, so they work with MSSQL and use its commands.

Try to study Manual's Database Modules section and maybe it could give you some ideas. I think it would be pretty easy, except there could be some difficulties implementing LIMIT X,Y statement in SELECTs (as I remember this was the main sticking point in other databases rather than mySQL - but maybe it's improved already in MSSQL itself).

We ourselves are not able to work on additional database modules for now. In the past (for miniBB 1.x) there were both postgreSQL and MSSQL modules programmed, but they paid a very weak interest. That's why we decided to concentrate on the pop technologies and discontinued what was unprofitable.

So whatever you read is possible to implement, and miniBB has all doors for it. But we have no ready modules and have no support regarding this topic.

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 MiniBB with MSSQL
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