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mod_rewrite on Lighttpd?

Author Prince
#1 · Posted: 3 Nov 2010 17:00
I have changed from Apache to Lighttpd..
so how can I use mod_rewrite on LIghttpd?
or how can I Disable Directory listings on it?

anyone can help?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 03:40
I guess you should contact Lighttpd website authors, not us, regarding this subject.

Or at least search Google, Yahoo or Bing or whatever. There are lots of topics of this subject.

I personally have no suggestions - never used server, have no idea what the problem is about.
People are usually getting into troubles when they try to improve their good life to make it even better ;-)

Good luck.

Author xeme
#3 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 11:08
I am also troubled by the question.

Author Prince
#4 · Posted: 4 Nov 2010 16:41
Thanks Paul.

Here the convert code for (Mod_rewrite):

url.rewrite-once = (
"^index\.html$" => "./index.php?mdrw=on",
"^manual\.html$" => "./index.php?action=manual&mdrw=on",
+)\.html$" => "./index.php?action=vthread&forum=$1&topic=$2&page=$3&mdrw=on",
"^([0-9]+)_([-0-9]+)\.html$" => "./index.php?action=vtopic&forum=$1&page=$2&mdrw=on"
we need to put them in Lighttpd.conf file in server root.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 5 Nov 2010 04:37
Thanks for this! I hope it will be useful for xeme, too :-)

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 mod_rewrite on Lighttpd?
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