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Moving replies?

Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 6 Dec 2013 14:10
Is there a way to move a topic to a new forum but leave the initial post in place so that the user is taken to the new position automatically? When I move a topic now it disappears from the forum it was in originally with no warning left in place.

Author Jaime
#2 · Posted: 6 Dec 2013 16:03
Hi Bluesplayer,

Is there a way to move a topic to a new forum but leave the initial post in place
Hm, I do not know. But that's necessary?

If someone has put the now moved post as bookmark, he gets the info that the post is no longer available (Deleted or Moved). And then he will eventually find the old post about the search. But .. Paul knows sure more :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 6 Dec 2013 17:38
that the user is taken to the new position automatically
If you mean that the older topic should be referenced to a new topic by URL, for example if it was mentioned elsewhere except the forum, then in miniBB it should happen automatically. No need to split the topic into messages or invent another tricks.

Author Bluesplayer
#4 · Posted: 6 Dec 2013 17:53
If you mean that the older topic should be referenced to a new topic by URL, for example if it was mentioned elsewhere except the forum, then in miniBB it should happen automatically. No need to split the topic into messages or invent another tricks.
I have to move a lot of topics from one forum to another and it would be kinda useful if the initial topic remained in place with some text underneath saying something like: 'This Topic Has Moved Here', for instance, whereas at the moment the forum where the post was created has no mention of it once moved, at least it doesn't on my own forum. If it is already a feature of minibb then I have obviously disturbed the code for it.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 6 Dec 2013 18:35
I'm not sure why this intermediate message is needed, if the script will redirect to the proper topic automatically with no extra steps involved?

It's miniBB, by a concept we can't even have something intermediate or spare. So this what you have in mind, is not available in miniBB, sorry. Possible to achieve only with some mod or hack though... a tricky one.

Author Jaime
#6 · Posted: 7 Dec 2013 18:47
if the script will redirect to the proper topic automatically with no extra steps involved?
Yes Paul, that does miniBB and this is an gread function within the programm! I like the funcion described by Blueplayer too :) Equally, however, i understand your arguments :)

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 Moving replies?
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