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navigating search results links - is this a bug?

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 19 Nov 2004 06:44
After clicking on the search result, the user attempting "back" button on his browser will get an invalid page. It works inconsistently, because when there is more than 1 page of results, and the user moves to the next page, the "back" action will now work fine.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 19 Nov 2004 11:32
so i don't get it in which case it works fine for you and in which it doesn't?

you can't browse through search pages using the Back button in most cases - cause these're not static pages and they change dynamically according to search string and other info - browser back button is not supposed for the scripted sites - it's only for plain HTML sites/static pages.

It might help as well in some cases to clear browsers cache using Tools -> Internet Options -> Delete Files if you're using IE.

Author Ki
#3 · Posted: 19 Nov 2004 17:24
Ok, you can try these 2 scenarios out on miniBB search .

Scenario 1:
1. Search for "test", which produces 2 pages of results.
2. Click on a search result (on 1st page) to jump to a thread.
3. Click "back" button to go back to search results page 1 - doesn't work.

Scenario 2:
1. Search for "test", which produces 2 pages of results.
2. Click on page 2 to go to 2nd page of search results.
3. Click on a search result (on 2nd page) to jump to a thread.
4. Click "back" button to go back to search results page 2 - works fine now.

Well, I'm just thinking if it works in scenario 2, it can be made to work in scenario 1 too. It seems that in scenario 1, an incomplete url without the search parameters is accessed when going "back", causing an error page.

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 20 Nov 2004 13:43
nope, sorry it can't be done - the way browser's Back button works is unpredictable and unreliable in terms of scripted sites and we need to set/check cookies each time so we can't send any other headers to "hack" the way browsers back button works. You should use miniBB's native links and buttons when doing a search.

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 20 Nov 2004 13:43
And this is not a bug!

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 23 Nov 2004 11:06
Moreso - I've just checked your scenarios, and everything works in my browser (IE 6.0). If you don't like the way your browser caches dynamic pages, open them in new window.

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 navigating search results links - is this a bug?
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