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Option to lock/unlock edited posts vs $useredit setting

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#1 · Posted: 23 Jul 2005 17:02
According to the miniBB 2 manual, starting from version 2.0 RC2, by default, a post that has been edited by moderator/admin will remain editable by the original poster. Checking the box marked as "[strike through] Edit", moderator/admin can prevent the author from editing the post.

Two questions:

1) If possible, how does one go about in replacing the '[strike through] edit' with something like "Mark as edited and lock post"?

2) Will leaving the box unchecked (i.e. don't mark as edited, and don't lock post) override any restriction set by $useredit? Here is a scenario: $useredit is set to 1 day. Moderator edits a post that is 2 days old. Moderator leaves the strikethrough edit checkbox unchecked (i.e. don't mark post as edited, and don't lock post). Now, can this post be edited by its author? The post is 2 days old, so, technically, its editable period has 'expired', but has the moderator's action extended the expiry period to 'never expire'?

- mb

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 23 Jul 2005 20:43
1) It's possible to editing bb_func_edit.msg - $emailCheckBox='<input type=checkbox name=fEdit '.$ch.'> <s>'.$l_edit.'</s>'; - remove <s></s> here and add your text. However, we will think about non-core-destructive solution of that in the next release.

2) No, moderator's editing does not prolongate expiration (or at last, it shouldn't).

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#3 · Posted: 24 Jul 2005 22:00
Marsbar, when you check the box, you close the message for further editing. The checkbox function for closing the message separated from the edit function. This is what we wanted. What else you need? Or I don't understand something?

Of course, you may change the text of the option with what you like more.

But I like the options as they are now. Please do not change them. We precised them a long time.

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#4 · Posted: 25 Jul 2005 02:57
Ivan wrote: Marsbar, when you check the box, you close the message for further editing.

Yes, I know that already, but thanks just the same.

Ivan wrote: What else you need?

Nothing. Team has answered all the questions I have for now. (Thanks, Team!)

Ivan wrote: Or I don't understand something?

You have totally misunderstood my original post.

Ivan wrote: Of course, you may change the text of the option with what you like more

Yes, and Team has kindly explained to me how to go about it.

Ivan wrote: But I like the options as they are now.

I know you do--rest assured that I do not have a problem with the feature either. I merely wanted to know whether it was possible to modify the text describing the function of the checkbox to something more descriptive (i.e. replace the 'strike through edit' with something like 'Mark as edited and lock post'). And my second question was to confirm that leaving an edited post unlocked will not override the maximum allowable time for editing, as defined in $useredit.

Ivan wrote: Please do not change them.

My original post was not a request for feature changes and should not be interpreted as one.


Author Team
#5 · Posted: 16 Aug 2005 16:25
$l_editLock='Mark as edited and lock post';

this is all you will need to provide in language pack for replacing strike through, beginning from 2.0 RC4 (coming out this week).

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 Option to lock/unlock edited posts vs $useredit setting
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