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Premium Add-On download login page

Author nicky
#1 · Posted: 4 Dec 2008 21:28
Hi, Can someone tell me where i can login to download premium add-on, i have my login but could not find the login page

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 5 Dec 2008 02:49
Where did you get the login information? It's sent in each email you get after purchase.

Author Simbee
#3 · Posted: 16 Jul 2010 14:34
I have sent monies to you Paul (your company) and have not received the download link in e-mail. Please send me e-mail so I can reply to you with further info. I have used the feedform on this site, but no one has replied back.
Promptly reply please.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 19 Jul 2010 02:52
I have found File Upload order for your email which is registered here on forums. Is that correct?

The information regarding your order has been sent at the date of purchase. Automated emails often may be considered by your server as spam, this is what we state on each order description. So, I have sent an email to your address manually from my account. If you will get it, please reply back and I will sent you all infos manually. We need to find an email account that works on our side, because your server may block some manual emails as well. It's very unstable system, overall.

Unfortunately, we never get any kind of response from our contact form regarding your add-on. Weird, but let's solve the problem now, and our apologies for these inconveniences which actually we can't control...

Author Simbee
#5 · Posted: 19 Jul 2010 07:17
File upload order is correct.

I will look forward to your e-mail.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 19 Jul 2010 11:23
I have sent it today :-) Please let us know if you will get another kind of questions.

Author idgt
#7 · Posted: 22 Jul 2010 15:44
I too am still waiting for my login and instructions on how to download the paid for code. I ordered on July 14th and am still waiting.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#8 · Posted: 23 Jul 2010 02:45
Like it's stated on each order page,

If you have made a successful purchase, but didn't receive the information about the your order within 5 business days, please check your bulk or spam folders first; if the email is not there - contact us privately, providing your order number.
We usually send all orders in the same day, in some cases, when the order has been made at night, next day. If you didn't get the instructions, it only means, our email has been blocked on your server side or considered as spam and moved to "Spam" or "Bulk" folder, like it happens on public servers like Gmail, for example.

So 5 days is the maximum amount you may wait; in general, if you didn't receive anything next day, feel free to contact us - we will try to email the order manually.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 26 Jul 2010 09:58
I have contacted you from different email addresses, but no reply back.

This would mean there may be problems with your email account? Are you sure it's working fine?

Be careful to provide a valid working email upon your order...

Author idgt
#10 · Posted: 28 Jul 2010 09:29
Found the original email with information - it was in my spam folder. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for helping out so quickly!!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 28 Jul 2010 10:03
Enjoy, and thanks for letting us know you solved it. We hope to provide the best possible delivery on orders. Unfortunately, emails unreliability not always makes it possible. Good luck :-)

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 Premium Add-On download login page
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