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A Question for Japanese tableware knowers

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 7 Apr 2024 18:29
In the most recent full animation movie directed by the legend Hayao Miyazaki and titled «The Boy and the Heron», my attention was attracted by the little kettle, used by the main chatacter, Mahito, while he's recovering from injury.

Below are the couple of screenshots showing what I mean:

Japanese kettle in Miyazaki's «The boy and the heron»

Japanese kettle in Miyazaki's «The boy and the heron»

This is relatively small kettle as it fits the kid's arm. It doesn't have a handle, and its lid appears being hermetically closed. It's the bed-table kettle for safe drinking, overall.

Great thing, but I couldn't find something similar to purchase... so, the question is: is such kind of kettle named specifically? Perhaps there's a special word for it in Japanese?

Or possibly, it only exists in Miyazaki's animated world and not in real life?

I'd appreciate all versions and answers.

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 13 Apr 2024 01:27
I did some research, and possibly this keyword can help: Kyusu (or glass Kyusu ;)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 19 Apr 2024 10:25
I appreciate for your efforts.

I've checked what Kyusu looks like, but I wouldn't say it's even similar to what's shown in the movie. It looks to be for brewing the tea, not drinking it (or just keeping the drink warm) in the way like the kid does.

A few examples:

Kyusu kettle

Kyusu kettle

Kyusu kettle

All of them, and obviously each kettle named Kyusu has an authentic handle, but the one shown in the movie has not. Even the model made of glass has it:

Kyusu kettle — glass model

So, it is not what I'm looking for, but thanks a lot anyway! 😊

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 19 Apr 2024 23:07
Well, since it was not a real movie, perhaps such thing doesn't exist in real life ;) Still, it may be something related to taking medicine / hospital setting.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 20 Apr 2024 23:53
The whole movie is surreal, but I'm just being wondered if it's surreal even up to such small details... I'm continuing investigation, asking more people... ;)

Even if such kettle doesn't exist in real life, it would be worth to produce! I'm sure it's very practical thing.

Author MorrisBonnie
#6 · Posted: 28 May 2024 17:04
«Küçü» is a Turkish traditional tea, a symbol of hospitality and socializing. It is often served with Turkish sweets in cozy tea houses, creating an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 28 May 2024 19:55
«Küçü» is a Turkish traditional tea, a symbol of hospitality and socializing. It is often served with Turkish sweets in cozy tea houses, creating an atmosphere of warmth and friendliness.
Very useful to know, but the question was not about that at all..

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 A Question for Japanese tableware knowers
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