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Reducing images width, when they are inserted in the posts via URL

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 22 May 2005 18:30
I've noticed that the header size is not determined by the picture size. It's resized to fit the top.

How do i change settings on this, so i can have an alternate header, which isn't resized?

Also: When a user include imagelinks in their posts, some of the images destroy the layout. Is it perhaps possible to use the resize function i mentioned earlier, to correct the problem?

Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 22 May 2005 23:51
Sorry. I just peeked in the manual and realized my imense bummer.

But however. Is there a code for resizing images in posts? That is still quite needed...

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 23 May 2005 15:58
Is there a code for resizing images in posts
When you post an outside image URL, there is NO WAY to determine it's width and height. Resize is available ONLY if you are uploading some file/image to server.

Author Krigsoffer
#4 · Posted: 23 May 2005 18:58
Isn't that irrelevant? Isn't it possible to make miniBB resize images to just fit the size of the forum?

When i took a look at main_header.html iv'e found the code that reads:

width="x" height="x"

This code dosen't mind that my alternative header didn't fit, it just resized it according to the x-values.

I'm sorry if this seems like nonsense, but couldn't that somehow be integrated in posting?

Author Team
#5 · Posted: 23 May 2005 19:35
First of all, by resize, I mean - physical resize, when image is stretched on the fly with thumbnail (or WITH copied thumbnail). Width and height in HTML, by the same time, do not physically resize picture on the server - they resize them by their program in memory, so every smaller picture gets resized, too. So, you may set these values by hand, but by resizing linked images on the fly on the server side, you need a complicated and not really fast algorithm. It is not implemented in miniBB, but soon, there will be a files plugin available, which will make possibility to not just make image links, but also upload images themselves. It is in testing study now.

Author Krigsoffer
#6 · Posted: 23 May 2005 21:06

I will look forward to this.


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 Reducing images width, when they are inserted in the posts via URL
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