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Reporting abuse from a website using minibb

Author blaze44
#1 · Posted: 13 Dec 2007 18:33
how can i report a website that is useing slanderous remarks about their own members and non members,they are useing minibb for the forums the website in question is they have used disgusting content for public viewing,also giving out non members names and addresses which is against the law (data protection act) i think this webiste is dangerous and should not be allowed to continue it's supposed to be for cb radio but instead it is used to cause stress to members and non members it seems to be the owners of the website who dwell on the hurtful attacks on there anyway they can be stopped?

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 13 Dec 2007 19:05
I'm not sure why you think forum software developers should be in any way responsible for forum posts of unrelated websites...

If anything, try to contact their host, but first you need to get appropriate document (like subpoena) from court or other legal institution..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 14 Dec 2007 04:05
We are providing just the software and of course can't be responsible for the content it is used for. So whatever institution you could ask in about it, can not be

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#4 · Posted: 14 Dec 2007 05:10
You can try contacting the web host servicing the site, and make them aware of the situation. Do a whois lookup on to find out its registration information and where it is hosted.
All the best -

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 Reporting abuse from a website using minibb
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