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Search Modes and Results

Author cmarangon
#1 · Posted: 22 May 2018 23:22Reply Quote

In my forum I search for the word "cat" and for the word "giraffe".

It returns 1 result for "cat" and 4 results for "giraffe".

How can I make it write:

Result, in the singular, when I search for "cat"
Results, in the plural, when I search for "giraffe"?

Author cmarangon
#2 · Posted: 23 May 2018 02:11Reply Quote
How can I search in both FIELDS, TOPICS and MESSAGES?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#3 · Posted: 23 May 2018 13:13Reply Quote
In my forum I search for the word "cat" and for the word "giraffe".
Do you mean that when searching, you specify these two words at once, or do you searcgh separately for each word? Not quite sure I understood your question.

How can I search in both FIELDS, TOPICS and MESSAGES?
You could only search in Titles or Messages, not both at once. In the most recent versions of miniBB, if no results are found in some field, you will be suggested an auto-link to search in the other field.

Titles are the most important on the forum, so you should care about their quality at first, boosting them with all the top keywords which could be used in search to find them.

Author cmarangon
#4 · Posted: 24 May 2018 03:19Reply Quote
Hi Paul!

I will try to elaborate a best text.
I will use your forum as example, because it is in English, easier to access and working fine.


linktominibb forum /index.php?action=search

we have as option to choose in FIELD


So it gives us the option to choose TOPIC TITLES OR MESSAGES.

This means that when I choose TOPIC TITLES I automaticaly exclude search for a word in MESSAGES and vice-versa.
But lets suppose that I need to search in TOPIC TITLES AND MESSAGES.
Lets again suppose that I have the word toad that is found 2 times in TOPIC TITLES and 3 times in MESSAGES.
This word will appear 5 times if I look in both fields simultaneously.

So my question,

Is there a way to choose search for a word in TOPIC TITLES AND MESSAGES simultaneously?
at the same time?

So FIELD should have another option
something like:


Kind regards,


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#5 · Posted: 24 May 2018 17:19Reply Quote
I already wrote above: you could only search in Titles or Messages, not both at once.

In the newer version this is extended. For example, searching by "cantains" brings nothing by default. But there is a link to "Search: Fields: Messages", clicking it you are switched to another mode, and there is a record found.

That's how it works at the moment. No other ways are planned to implement. Searching in many fields at once would mean we need to cache/replicate titles and messages in a standalone separate field, that would make the database size 2x larger. Implementing it with default mySQL commands makes it hard to execute on big DBs.

You can also install Google search tool, when it indexes your forum, it will search for absolutely everything.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#6 · Posted: 24 May 2018 17:26Reply Quote
Also, it seems I understood your very first question. So, if only one record is found, you'd like to display:

Result found: 1
And not like now:

Results found: 1

If so, I could give you the steps how to make it possible, but it will require to modify your forum's core script, and my 1st question - is it so important?

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