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Set posts' Dates with a free choice, manualy

Author Anonymous
#1 | Posted: 17 Mar 2004 23:18
Can we set posts' Dates manually, making a free choice of the desired date/time ?

In some newsforums' software it seems that posts' Dates can also be chosen by the Admin, without obligatorily being always inserted only automatically.

This can be useful, and even needed, in various cases,
for instance when people wish to restore "lost"or destroyed posts
at their real Date, when they were really published for the 1st time.

=> Can this be done with MiniBB, or not,
and, if yes, how ?

Thank you for a prompt reply,
(if possible of the same date)..

Author RAAN
#2 | Posted: 17 Mar 2004 23:20
(That was RAAN, without time to "sign" at this Date)..

Author Team
#3 | Posted: 18 Mar 2004 10:25
It's impossible in miniBB.

The Other miniBB Support Forums / The Other /
 Set posts' Dates with a free choice, manualy
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