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Sign in/Post topic button

Author otto
#1 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 11:46
When not logged in and making a new topic you have the button with Sign in/Post topic (and something like the same if you are not logged in and making a new answer).

I think it is quite naturally to
1. write my text
2. put my data in the log in fields
3. use the "double" botton.
So it was not nice to discover that I got logged in but that my text just disappeared.

I found that I in bb_func_vtopic and in bb_func_vthread I could put "OR" instead of "/"
so my button says "Sign in OR Post topic".

In my language Danish though the button gets quite long so I would like to get two little buttons instead.
One for log in and one for send.

Does someone have a little piece of code :-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 12:09
When you want to sign in, click on the left side of the button; when you want to post a message, click on the right side of the button :-).

I think you can change the text on button (to add OR if you prefer) in the language page (not directly in the vthread file).

Author otto
#3 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 12:41

Maybee I have done something with my templates or something because there are not two links in my button.

I try now here in real miniBB forum. I have now written these text I am not logged in and I will now put my data in the log in fields and klick on the right side of the botton

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 12:48
Maybee I have done something with my templates or something because there are not two links in my button.

I was just teasing about the button - there should be only ONE button (as you probably have)..

Author otto
#5 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 12:57

Wow, it worked :-)
But who could know?
Not me and not my neigbour :-)

I found it ok to change the php's. I do not think it is so good to put my "Or" in the language page. The actual functions are used I think (?) other places where you can not have the "OR".

Anyway, after what you told me, and I then discovered, I will not use my "OR"-solution.
Instead I will write your help-text, but short, right of the button (if I don't get my two buttons or something else :-)

Because still it is "dangerous" for a person who don't know.
The button look normal and normally it does not matter where you click on a normal button.

Thank you, Tom322 !

Author otto
#6 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 13:38
Wonder if my neighbour will understand this short_button:

Sign in <<>> Post message

Or this long_button:

Sign in <-- OR --> Post message or Sign in AND Post message


Author otto
#7 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 14:35

With my post here above I thought I was funny :-)
Now I see how fantastic crazy I have been!

I was just teasing about the button you said. Shid I did not take me time to look the word up in my dictionary (I know it's a ordinary word :-)

Tom322, I just stopped smoking yesterday!
Now I probably will start again!
I cannot make the thing I told about in my first post (post/text disappering) as I started this topic happen again. Everything is fine, and I have changed my things back to the normal.

Me, me, stupid, stupid.
I think I just used change forum bottom when I should use sign in/post.
Whish I had a cigaret, but I will still try not to go down and by :-(

Excuse me everybody! First now, Tom322, I see how funny you were :-)

Author tom322
Active Member
#8 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 15:14
You're no stupid :) -- actually your idea was logical, but I feel whenever someone asks you "why there are no 2 separate buttons" you may use my answer ;).

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 31 Jan 2007 15:15

When you want to sign in, click on the left side of the button; when you want to post a message, click on the right side of the button

!! :-) Applause.


You forgot that you can sign in AND post a message. That's the main purpose of this button. Sign in AND post a message simultaneously.

Instead I will write your help-text, but short, right of the button

That's the most convenient solution you ever might have. Do not touch core scripts, else small (but unuseful) change may affect your easy upgrades.

I just stopped smoking yesterday

If you stopped smoking, don't think about the cigarette :-) It won't help you to quit.

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 Sign in/Post topic button
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