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Statistics: different approach in displaying topic titles

Author Bluesplayer
#1 · Posted: 18 Oct 2018 13:06
I'm wondering about the statistics display? Some topics display as if correctly inside the coloured, box but then some display differently with an extra column being created and filled with a 3 dotted link. I can't see why this is necessary as the full title and link still shows on the right? Kinda looks a bit odd to me. Shouldn't they all be in neat, ordered, coloured rows? What is the reason for the 3 dotted link? Is it really necessary or can I dispense with it?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 18 Oct 2018 17:18
The colored boxes are being like percentage bars in a common 100% graph. It depends on the bar number/value where to display the title. If the bar's value is relatively small, comparing to other bars, it's supposed the title won't fit the bar's within. Then it's displayed out of the bar, and replaced to the shortest value possible (3 dots).

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 Statistics: different approach in displaying topic titles
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