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User management

Author Reinhold
#1 · Posted: 17 Jan 2008 14:03

I changed from a "rented" forum to minibb. Since PHP is part of my web space, this offers more functionality and saves me money.

I made the new forum productive and more and more users are registering. So a few questions about user management came up.

1.) It seems that only the administrator is able to accept/approve new registrations, but not the moderators. I think that's not practical, because the job of the mods is to support the admin.

2.)When the admin gets an overview of all users (via the admin panel) he does not see whichs users are accepted and which aren't. I'd suggest to print unaccepted users in red, this would improve the overview.

3.)Is there a way to select a profile of a certain user? The only possibilities that I see at the moment are either you catch a topic or a reply of this user or you find the user amoung the top 5 users of the statistiks. It would be very confvenient to open the profile of a certain user without looking for a topic or reply of him.

4.)Reading the manual did not show me a way how an accepted/approved user can be informed via email. Or have I overseen something?

But overall this is a great BB software "minimal", but not overloaded.

Thanks and regards

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 18 Jan 2008 05:35
1) Have you followed this solution?? So far I know moderators are 100% able to activate user's membership from the profile. So the only thing for them needed to know is that new user has been signed up, i.e. moderators should receive email notification about it, the same as admin. I think it would be possible to implement such thing at the add-on level.

Additionally, pre-moderation add-on would give you some more functions regarding approving the new users and their postings.

2) In admin panel, click "Search Users" and then choose from the dropdown "Member: [No]" - it will mean you're selecting only inactive users straight away.

3) Doesn't seem clear for me what do you mean. If you click on user's "Member" title under his nickname (for example like in my post here - 'Team member') you go to the user's profile straight away. If user has no such profile, it means he's posted as Guest.

4) Users naturally won't be informed about this (and I doubt it would be really necessary). However we could program some kind of custom add-on for this as well.

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 User management
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