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What does it mean in Arabic?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#1 · Posted: 4 Mar 2007 15:11
Anybody who knows Arabic - could you tell please what these symbols mean?

What does it mean in Arabic?

Thank you in advance.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 8 Mar 2007 03:07
Ok as usually I found the answer myself. The same question has been posted on polish forums (by the way, you may see the difference of how the same message looks when using File Upload addon for miniBB either File Storage addon), so I am very thankful to my partners at this great community.

Below are fragments of conversation with Fawzy who gave me an answer. We have had a private emailing.

P: I would be interested to know how the word I posted is pronounced in arabic as well.

In general, everything I need to know is how "bibi" is pronounced/posted in Arabic. I found this:

Bibi: Urban Dictionary

and it defines "bibi" as "lady in Arabic". Is it true? Or does it still means "a little child"? If so, how "bibi" is written in Arabic?

The symbols I've posted are automatic translation of "bibi" taken from here:

F: this word has only one meaning in Arabic young child
but what i meant yesterday when i said it depends that if some one you know very well like girlfriend or lover or even wife said this for u
means my love
if some one u do not know well may be it means stupid or exactly so simple mind man
the write pronunciation is( beibi)
please tell me from where exactly u got this word or what is the nationality of whom u took from

P: Thank you for your reply. I understood about "beibi"; however I am looking for what exactly "bibi" is about.

In the slang dictionary bibi appears a slang Arabic word meaning "lady". Click the link below to see dictionary explanation.

Bibi: Urban Dictionary

Encarta says:
bibi: South Asia non-European girlfriend: a non-European woman with whom somebody has a sexual or romantic relationship
[Early 19th century. < Hindi, Urdu]

Click the link below to see dictionary explanation.

bibi: Encarta

Well actually I am looking for about how "bibi" is written in Arabic. I understand now the automatic translation gave me the written Arabic for "beibi", not "bibi". Could you help me in that? Maybe point to some URLs or documents. I would like to see how it LOOKS for maybe using this Arabic text in my product's logo.

If Fawzy your real name by the way?

F: u r talking about something i did not hear before in any arabic grammer
we have in Arabic the same form for beibi and this other strange word bibi cause vowels in arabic are just three not five or six like english
any way i dont have arabic letters but i will do aspcial effort to give you this word
i hope it will reach to u in arabic cause i copied the letters from internet web for teaching arabic letter by letter

arabic bibi

fawzy my real name but i have bad news for u i am muslim but not terrorist
it s a jok dont be angry

P: I appreciate your explanations. It seems "bibi" is a slang word, or an ancient word (as explained in Encarta), and it is just said that way, not written. So it really appears to be closely connected to "beibi" (or like it is written in English, "baby").

Yes it reached me in Arabic, so I will possibly gain some ideas from this all.

It's ok you are muslim. I believe Islam and islamism are very different things, so terrorism is not supported by Islam, but by islamism.

I just seeked for meanings of "bibi" (like "BB" is pronounced in English), so miniBB is pronounced like "minibibi" and actually could mean a non-european girl of the smart size :-) Like small bodyweight, small growing etc. Of course in slang/jokely meaning.

I am going to change the project's logo soon that's why I have looked for all possible combinations. So I appreciate your help.

Now, don't you think all muslims are terrorists? :-) I think this person gave me a new knowledge. Thanks pal.

And finally you may see Google translation service or Encarta or slang dictionary contains something that arabs even didn't hear about.

Author Moony
#3 · Posted: 8 Mar 2007 16:01
miniBaby sounds nice :^)

Author tom322
Active Member
#4 · Posted: 8 Mar 2007 20:06
And finally you may see Google translation service or Encarta or slang dictionary contains something that arabs even didn't hear about.
That's why Google should be called "Gigi" in Arabia ;)

Author Danny2000
#5 · Posted: 11 Mar 2007 19:07
بیبی pronounces like bb!!
minibb in arabic alphabet= مینی بیبی

Author SamSam
#6 · Posted: 17 Dec 2007 02:55
and also in persian = مینی بیبی :D

Author Guest
#7 · Posted: 27 Feb 2009 12:22
it's baby in english but some people who speaks arabic say bibi for a baby or a kid....
A kid or a baby in arabic is: teful

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 What does it mean in Arabic?
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