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what is the !pix.gif for?

Author epicsff
#1 · Posted: 20 May 2005 19:06
In the MAIN FORUM template, I see the <tr>
<td width="25" class=caption4><img src="!pix.gif" width=25 height=1 alt=""></td>
. Why exactly is the !pix.gif inserted here? Thanks.


Author epicsff
#2 · Posted: 22 May 2005 18:10
the only reason I can think of the need for the ipix.gif is for a vertical line.... How does minibb use it? I would like to know because if its not needed, I would like to remove it.

Author epicsff
#3 · Posted: 22 May 2005 18:12
The way it is inserted in minibb, it is ether a placeholder for a possible small icon, or a width holder..

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 23 May 2005 15:22
It is a width holder.

The Other miniBB Support Forums / The Other /
 what is the !pix.gif for?
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