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where is bb_admin.php?

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Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 29 Nov 2007 12:36
I can't find bb_admin.php

Author tom322
Active Member
#2 · Posted: 29 Nov 2007 13:53
In your main folder where all the other .php files are.

NOTE, however, that for security reasons, it may have a different name (if it was setup by your webmaster, for example).

Author marsbar
Associated Member
#3 · Posted: 29 Nov 2007 15:30
As mentioned by tom322, bb_admin.php should be located in your forum's main folder. If you cannot find a file by that name, it is likely that the file has been renamed, as recommended by the miniBB developers, for better security.
You can single out the renamed bb_admin.php by comparing the files on the web server to the ones listed in the official list of miniBB core files.
All best -

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 2 Dec 2007 04:05
The name of this file should be set under setup_options.php -> $bb_admin

Author Tihon
#5 · Posted: 2 Dec 2007 11:21
Great question :) Something like - I don't know what I did yesterday :)

Author Jaime
#6 · Posted: 19 May 2014 15:49
Why Googlebot tries to find this file? Rare ... but he searched for the file. An integration error from me?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 19 May 2014 23:27
Did you rename it from default?
Do you have ANY link visible to it in public?

I am mostly sure Google could only index the links, which are visible on public pages.
Search bot couldn't have idea about members-only links or hidden links.

Author Jaime
#8 · Posted: 20 May 2014 07:55
Sure Paul, is renamed

No links to the admin access, except in these files, there is the variable from setup_options with the clear name


And of course in the file itself ... But otherwise no links within my pages. I'm watching the further with the daily review of the log files. This I observe almost a month. Currently I have the file again renamed .. and wait for an new search.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 20 May 2014 15:57
Not sure where do you have it in bb_func_vthread or index?
By default, the link to the admin panel is inserted in templates/main_footer.html only, i.e. below of all pages.
It should not come in the clear HTML format, i.e. it should be the tag {$l_adminpanel_link}. Not sure why to replace such a straight thing to something else.
If you have performed your customization, most likely you inserted it in the place where everyone sees it.
bb_func_vthread or index may appear such a place.

Author Jaime
#10 · Posted: 20 May 2014 22:24
Not sure where do you have it in bb_func_vthread or index?
But ... is not my Code ;-)

Line 327 in bb_func_vthread
if ($logged_admin==1 and ... {$bb_admin}action=viewsubs ...

I was just looking in all forums files where all accessed $bb_admin

i have only $GLOBALS['l_adminpanel_link']; in my footer. In your sources i change almost nothing! And never the place from your variable {$bb_admin}.

What i meant Paul, i give only the variable $bb_admin in setup_options a name and set the l_adminpanel_link in my Footer. Thats all what i do. No specific changes or replaces in the source code.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 20 May 2014 22:50
if ($logged_admin==1 and
This is a condition for the logged admin only :) It's not visible to a search engine.

Thats all what i do. No specific changes or replaces in the source code.
It appears to be fine then.

So, what kind of the access string do you see in logs then? How does it look, could you copy it here (removing exact paths, of course)?

Author Jaime
#12 · Posted: 21 May 2014 08:54
It appears to be fine then.
Good :)

But I have this access in my logfile, and for that i find simply no explanation: - - [12/May/2014:15:24:40 +0200] "GET /.../my_bb_admin_file.php HTTP/1.1" 200 7240 "-" "Mediapartners-Google" "my-page"

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#13 · Posted: 21 May 2014 12:31
Remember that any HTTP header could be easily faked. This could be a kind of "hacking" attempt, which look for possible placements of your admin file. BUT, if you renamed the file and the story appears, and the log shows exactly the same file as you put it on folder, let me know. Then it could be truly Google indexing attempts, and it needs more investigation.

Author tom322
Active Member
#14 · Posted: 21 May 2014 19:23
"Mediapartners-Google" "my-page"
Most likely scenario - you have/had Google adsense on the forum, right? Then you might have tested or left adsense code on one of the admin templates. That's why robots 'remembered' this URL and keeps coming back for some reason.

Author Jaime
#15 · Posted: 21 May 2014 20:45
Thank you Tom! Yes ... you're right! On the Adminpage, these inserts are completely pointless- Will I be rectified immediately. Thank you for this helpful hint.

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 where is bb_admin.php?
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