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which template does what?

Author 4days
#1 · Posted: 16 Apr 2002 22:08
modifying the templates for my site (running the nifty-keen 1.2 :)) and i was wondering if you had a description of which template is used for each element of the pages.

i know the filenames are very descriptive but it'd be good to have another document explaining where they're all used as well.

Author Team
#2 · Posted: 17 Apr 2002 10:20
the filenames are very descriptive
Oh yeah, that's true :) We thought that will be enough, but if you are having troubles with some template, just ask here, and we'll explain.

Alternatively, it is possible to modify bb_functions.php file - function makeUp(). Where it says

return $tpl;

replace it to:

if (substr($name,0,5)!='email') return "<!-- {$name}.{$ext} -->".$tpl."<!-- /{$name}.{$ext} -->"; else return $tpl;

Then if you view the source of the whole page (while working on the layout of your forums) you will see the commenting tags meaning which template is used via parsing.

Please note this approach is for debugging purposes only. It produces a wrong HTML and can't be used (needs to be disabled) on the production page.

Author 4days
#3 · Posted: 18 Apr 2002 17:32
cool, nearly finished :) filenames are enough, i was just being lazy.

if anyone else is modifying the templates for their own site - temporarily adding something like this to bb_style.css is really useful

border:#FF0000 2px solid;

makes it a lot easier to see where one bit ends and the next starts.

Author Aleck
#4 · Posted: 25 Apr 2002 18:38
is there a way to combine two templates together?

main_posts_cell.html would be one file?

Author Sergei
#5 · Posted: 25 Apr 2002 19:33

Author Team
#6 · Posted: 26 Apr 2002 10:28
How you can imagine that? main_posts_cell.html is about CELLS which are automatically generated.

Author Aleck
#7 · Posted: 26 Apr 2002 22:27
just wondering.. :)

i find it a little confusing from time to time. :)

The Other miniBB Support Forums / The Other /
 which template does what?
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