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Why forum id in url

Author Rider
#1 · Posted: 22 Sep 2018 11:55
Just wondering: why is the forum id part of the url to open an existing topic?
I mean like when - on the main page with the topic listing - you click on a link to open an existing topic "&forum=6" is part of the url. But even when you change 6 into 7 or another number, the topic will still open, because the topic has its own id I suppose. The forum id seems to me like an unnecessary attribute in the url.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 24 Sep 2018 13:13
For me it's hard to remember why it has been coded that way initially and working since ancient times :) I see now there are perhaps 2 points on keeping the forum ID in the URL:

1) It allows to make well-structured forums hierarchy specially when it's generated using .htaccess (like here on our forums, you may notice that each topic is held like under its own sub-folder of the forum) - more related keywords in the URL could make the topic's URL more appealing to a search engine.

2) When topic is moved to another forum, it's URL changes and it's a signal to the search engines that something has been changed to the topic (when it's moved to another forum, this also affects the indexed content of a forum in whole). If there would be just a topic ID supplied in the URL, there would be not possible to catch the point if a topic has been moved or not.

I understand that the topic also could run without forum ID as its effect on even the 2 points above is not that powerful. But I doubt that I'd change this approach now. It affects nothing in the same manner as it would affect something important.

Author Rider
#3 · Posted: 10 Oct 2018 12:26
Ok, that makes it clear to me. I now understand why this is. Thank you.

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 Why forum id in url
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