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Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#16 · Posted: 7 Jul 2005 09:05
A week or two ago I, too, saw this line in a post, but later lost it:


I searched in the plugin readme, and didn't find it. In my readme there is written:


I have this exact line in my setup_options.php and it works perfectly.

So, would you explain me why do you use the first one, where, and what difference you receive this way?

Author Team
#17 · Posted: 7 Jul 2005 15:11
If you are using default miniBB table structure, there is no difference between two variants. However, users who integrate miniBB with outside users table, must use defined $dbUserSheme array.

Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#18 · Posted: 7 Jul 2005 15:33
Thank you!

Author gruffnuts
#19 · Posted: 23 Jul 2005 06:19
OK. after a bit of tweaking I have been able to upload avatars (needed to delete and create "avatars" dir in order to ch perms so it could be accessed) with the avatar plug in.

I can't get the avatars to display for a posting in the forums, instead I get "$l_usrInfo[12]='User Avatar'; " in place of where the pic should be.

Any help on how to fix this so avatars are displayed in forums would be great.

Author gruffnuts
#20 · Posted: 23 Jul 2005 06:37
Update: that line $l_usrInfo[12]='User Avatar' was incorrectly placed in the main_posts_cell.html file. Now it is removed, but I still can't see avatar.

I gather it must be something to do with the line

{$userInfo_user_custom1[$poster_id]} in main_posts_cell.html??

which I have placed in the right place as far as I can see.

Author Team
#21 · Posted: 23 Jul 2005 12:15
Don't forget that you must specify avatar's field in $userInfoInPosts array in setup_options.php. And yes - you must paste {$userInfo_user_custom1[$poster_id]} in main_posts_cell.html at the place where avatar should be.

Author gruffnuts
#22 · Posted: 23 Jul 2005 15:08
Thanks Team.

I have this line in setup_options.php:


and of course I have the line


in main_posts_cell.html after <br> tag

Is there any other script that determines that avatars are displayed? Should I remove the // from the line above (when I did I got errors)? I seem to be doing everything exactly as suggested in the readme. I have changed the avatars folder name from shared_files but updated this in the relevant files.

The avatars display perfectly in the preferences profile page.

I can post the files concerned? Please help. As soon as I have this done my forum is complete! :|

Author Team
#23 · Posted: 23 Jul 2005 20:34
Remove // before //$userInfoInPosts

Author gruffnuts
#24 · Posted: 24 Jul 2005 03:37
Remove // before //$userInfoInPosts

I get this error if I do that:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected setup_options.php

(at the line where the userinfoinposts array is).

Any ideas?


Author gruffnuts
#25 · Posted: 24 Jul 2005 06:36
Fixed it!
Looking around the forum here and googling the error, it became clear that this error is associated with php syntax errors. Anyway the lines in setup_options.php:


caused problems, due to the semi colon after userInfoInPosts line, instead, it should have no semi colon after it! ie, the two active lines need to be


Obvious for some maybe...

This php is very fussy! :-)

(If you leave me long enough I can work this stuff out, like the monkeys with the typewriters producing Shakespeare.)

Thanks for your help Team.;-)


Author Team
#26 · Posted: 25 Jul 2005 09:31
PHP is the greatest language implemented I ever seen. It's not fussy. Don't you think you can do a programming with errors, and PHP will ignore this errors, successfully executing the script? :)))) Then try programming in Java - it is less fussy.

Author gruffnuts
#27 · Posted: 25 Jul 2005 14:18
Sorry to diss the beloved PHP. When I was a kid I used to program using cards in Fortran, you had to wait hours to get feedback on errors, and a bent card or a loose "chad" meant everything went pear shaped. So the issues with PHP are nothing, really.

Ahh, the seventies.

Thanks again.

Author Moony
#28 · Posted: 27 Aug 2005 18:58
The strange thing in the avatar plugin is that users cannot add their avatars when registering - only after. How to fix this?

Author Team
#29 · Posted: 29 Aug 2005 16:31
Yes, that's impossible. User must register first. This is not a bug, and there is nothing to fix. It's done because registration script handles many of errors - for example, errors on existing nicknames, emails, not matching passwords etc. Author of the plugin doesn't think it's a good idea to upload something to server if this upload could be unsuccessful in some cases.

Author Moony
#30 · Posted: 29 Aug 2005 17:03
It would be more logical to integrate this plugin to the registration form, isn't it?

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