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Author Team
#46 · Posted: 20 Oct 2005 12:06
So, the error says it all. If you are installing avatars, be sure your directory is writeable for PHP script. It must have either 0777 or 4777 permissions (on Linux) or writeable permissions on IIS for Web user.

Author RaptOr
#47 · Posted: 20 Oct 2005 12:52
How do i know what premissions it have? And how can i change it?

Author Team
#48 · Posted: 20 Oct 2005 13:23
Congratulations, amigo :) If you don't know what permissions are, why are you trying to install file-based plugin? :)

Anyway... on Linux, go into folder where avatar folder is located, and type the FTP command:

chmod 4777 avatars

Author babyklar
#49 · Posted: 7 Dec 2005 10:55
I am trying to include the avatar function in my forum - I have followed the instructions but I cannot see any avatars on my page

I have a question to this instruction:
templates/user_dataform.html - open it and add the following variable:


Where should i add {$avatarForm} ? IN the form? Should I make a new table for it?

Author Team
#50 · Posted: 7 Dec 2005 11:08
Paste this variable in any place between <tr></tr> tags.

Author Anonymous
#51 · Posted: 14 Dec 2005 02:12

I installed the avatar feature and everything seems to work but there seems to be an extra line or dash after the avatar.

Can someone tell me where I can go to delete that line?

Thank you. :)

Author Team
#52 · Posted: 14 Dec 2005 09:56
This line appears only when you're logged in as Admin, and clicking on it, you can delete avatar immediately.

Author chazyvr
#53 · Posted: 14 Dec 2005 10:55
I see. Thanks. :)

Author IzpiriT
#54 · Posted: 19 Dec 2005 12:59
SAFE MODE Restriction in effect

install avatar complete but upload will problem is show message down

warning: move_uploaded_file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 16953 is not allowed to access /home/hosting/yogurting/public_html/board/shared_files/avatars owned by uid 33 in /home/hosting/yogurting/public_html/board/addon_avatar.php on line 89

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/hosting/yogurting/public_html/board/addon_avatar.php:89) in /home/hosting/yogurting/public_html/board/addon_avatar.php on line 107

config where will no problem

Author Team
#55 · Posted: 19 Dec 2005 17:25
Edit addon_avatar.php and change this:

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], "{$avatarDir}/avatars/{$user_id}.mbb")){

to that:

['tmp_name'], "{$avatarDir}/avatars/{$user_id}.mbb")){

Author hokic
#56 · Posted: 25 Apr 2006 16:09
.mbb extension may not be supported by server

Hello, I just have instaled avatars pluggin, but I got a problem with showing up avatar images. The default ones shows up, but those which are uploaded by user doesn't.

When I look on the ftp, the files are uploaded there, when I check the html code, the url is good, but the images does not show up in the browser.

I also tried some tests and it looks that none of my browsers is able to display those mbb images (I tried to view them alone or include them in test page). If I copy another image with normal name from the same url, it is ok.

Well, I am out of ideas, so if anybody should have some advice, you are welcomed.

Author Team
#57 · Posted: 25 Apr 2006 17:37
As far as we see your addon is installed incorrectly. First of all, it should list avatar option inside user profile's table. Second, file is not actually uploaded... If you right-click on uploaded image and see its properties, then copy URL to browser and point to it, file is not found. Are you sure you have CHMODed shared_files directory properly?

Author hokic
#58 · Posted: 25 Apr 2006 18:02
Well I asked my provider to change my CHMODed, because I don't have a permision to do it, it is forbiden. He changed it and the files can be uploaded there - when I connect to ftp, the files are uploaded in the directory (named 1.mbb, and now I see yours one 3.mbb and it is an image of a cat).

Maybe there is another problem there, while they seems to be "invisible". (But uploading another image using the ftp transfer makes no problems and those images are visible for browser).

Back to the first thing - you mean {$avatarForm}? well I didn't check properly explanation that it should be inside, I'll try to repair it and see what's gonna happen.

Thanks alot so far for your help

Author Team
#59 · Posted: 26 Apr 2006 08:01
So, if you point to - you see that file on FTP?

Actually, I've noticed that your are using IIS server... nobody from us hasn't tested this thing on IIS. So probably it is someway related to the user rights on IIS, have no idea how file uploads are processing on this kind of server. Things like umask() or chmod() are not working on IIS, of course, and in the file upload process, probably, some another PHP command must be used for setting read/write permission to that file. But we don't know what's kind of command... Microsoft doesn't document these things.

Author hokic
#60 · Posted: 26 Apr 2006 08:19
Yes, I can see it in Total Commander, can download it and work with it (rename to gif and see a cat :).

Oki, it is possible, that the problem is on the other side. I'll write a mail to my provider and ask him what is his opinion about this..

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