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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#106 · Posted: 18 Feb 2010 03:08
I am not sure I understood your question, but you can't handle guests by user ID. Guests do not have IDs, since these accounts are not registered in database. Their ID is always 0.

Author h4n5
#107 · Posted: 18 Feb 2010 19:10
What I want to do here is Guest posted messange displayed the same avatar as for registered user who haven't choose avatar from the list.
for example:
user 1 is Guest
-> when he post comment, default_avatar.gif will choosen automaticly.
user 2 is registered user but haven't choose/upload avatar
--> when he post comment, default_avatar.gif will choosen automaticly.
user 3 is registered user who choose avatar baby.gif from the list
--> when he post comment, it will show avatar baby.gif

option for user 3 is done by standart avatar script
option for user 2 is done by adding image path to "else $im="
option for user 1: this is i want to do.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#108 · Posted: 19 Feb 2010 03:45
Got it.
You have to modify parseMessage() function for that, not userInfo_user_custom1(). Before return statement of that function, paste:

/* Default avatar for guests */
if($GLOBALS['poster_id']==0) $GLOBALS['userInfo_user_custom1'][0]='path_to_your_default_avatar';
If the function is not present amongst other add-ons, it may look that way altogether:

function parseMessage(){

/* Default avatar for guests */

if($GLOBALS['poster_id']==0) $GLOBALS['userInfo_user_custom1'][0]='path_to_your_default_avatar';


Author h4n5
#109 · Posted: 19 Feb 2010 08:07
it works, thanks Paul it really helpful

Author astass
#110 · Posted: 16 Jun 2010 07:01
How to make an avatar by default for guests of the forum?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#111 · Posted: 16 Jun 2010 08:20
This option is available only for registered users. I don't know even in theory, how it could be allowed for guests. Guests have no recognition by ID, but something external could be added to user's account only by ID.

Author Guest
#112 · Posted: 13 Oct 2010 07:53
Any help?
ive got this line in my signature addons:

im tryin to add avatars but it gives me error below
Cannot redeclare parseuserinfo_user_custom1() (previously declared in /home/quick/public_html/bb_plugins.php:98) in /home/quick/public_html/bb_plugins.php on line 98

any advise?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#113 · Posted: 13 Oct 2010 08:01
You obviously have something messed up. parseuserinfo_user_custom1() function is for 'user_custom1' field. For 'user_custom2' there should be parseuserinfo_user_custom2().

Note which field will handle avatars or signatures more carefully, for signatures we have 'user_custom2', for avatars 'user_custom1'.

Or use Compiler if you doubt how to install it manually.

Author Guest
#114 · Posted: 13 Oct 2010 08:17
ive got this line in my signature addons:

on the read me text..

Edit setup_options.php (located in /forums)

Locate $userInfoInPosts and set the avatar field.

Example: if your avatar field is 'user_custom1', you set $userInfoInPosts to


Note: if there are other fields defined in $userInfoInPosts, do not delete them!

"""$userInfoInPosts=array($dbUserSheme['user_custom2'][1]);is already this,,,, where do i put $userInfoInPosts=array('user_custom1');?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#115 · Posted: 13 Oct 2010 10:34
Put it that way:

$userInfoInPosts=array($dbUserSheme['user_custom1'][1], $dbUserSheme['user_custom2'][1]);
or just

$userInfoInPosts=array('user_custom1', 'user_custom2');
i.e. separate each new added fields by a comma. This gives the script a command to read all of those fields while loading the posts page.

Author Guest
#116 · Posted: 13 Oct 2010 21:14
thanks, i made it thru the compiler,

btw, how to remove message box below in my forum main page?

Author Guest
#117 · Posted: 13 Oct 2010 21:28
and also why is it that avatars are not show when i choose it from avatar list, it displays the filename only and in IE it show "x" square.

any advise?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#118 · Posted: 14 Oct 2010 04:05
Make sure you have properly specified $main_url setting. Without seeing your forums, I can't say anything more exact.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#119 · Posted: 14 Oct 2010 04:06
how to remove message box below in my forum main page
You did it through Compiler - but then why have you chosen the options you don't need?? You have chosen something you don't understand what is is about, now you ask how to remove what I have no idea about! Hilarious :-)

Author floraforum
#120 · Posted: 26 Aug 2012 11:50
Is it possible for visitors who have not yet uploaded a avatar, to show a default avatar ?

For example, a picture that says "no avatar"

Instead of an empty field?

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