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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#121 · Posted: 27 Aug 2012 21:19
It's possible. Take a look at the bb_plugins.php code of parseUserInfo_user_custom1 function which says:

if($av!='' and $av!='*') $im="{$a1}<img src=\"{$GLOBALS['main_url']
}/img/forum_avatars/{$av}\" alt=\"{$alt}\" title=\"{$alt}\"{$avatarDim} />{$a2}";
elseif($av!='' and $av=='*') $im="{$a1}<img src=\"{$GLOBALS['avatarUrl']}/{$GLOBALS['cols'][0]}.mbb\" alt=\"{$alt}\" title=\"{$alt}\"{$avatarDim} />{$a2}";
else $im='';
The first string of code handles pre-loaded avatars;
the second string handles uploaded avatars;
the third string handles nothing if no pre-loaded or uploaded avatar is used.

For example, instead of empty string ('') you may put an HTML pointing to your default image.
Let us know if it helped.

Author floraforum
#122 · Posted: 28 Aug 2012 18:41
When i do it likes this, it doesn't work

if($av!='' and $av!='*') $im="{$a1}<img src=\"{$GLOBALS['main_url']
}/img/forum_avatars/{$av}\" alt=\"{$alt}\" title=\"{$alt}\"{$avatarDim} />{$a2}";
elseif($av!='' and $av=='*') $im="{$a1}<img src=\"{$GLOBALS['avatarUrl']}/{$GLOBALS['cols'][0]}.mbb\" alt=\"{$alt}\" title=\"{$alt}\"{$avatarDim} />{$a2}";
else $im='';

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#123 · Posted: 28 Aug 2012 21:31
Provide the full HTML, incl. <img src...>, not just the URL.
I've mentioned it above.

you may put an HTML pointing to your default image

Author floraforum
#124 · Posted: 28 Aug 2012 22:18
Oh sorry.I did not understand your answer first
I did it like this

else $im='<img src="img/forum_avatars/dog.gif" alt="">';

and it works fine


Author floraforum
#125 · Posted: 28 Aug 2012 22:30
Is it possible to give guests a standard avatar?
I mean people who write a post without registration.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#126 · Posted: 29 Aug 2012 11:29
Sorry! It's not possible. This add-on is allowed for registered users only.
I've given more explanations on the same question earlier.

Author syapa
#127 · Posted: 8 Sep 2012 23:29

I installed the avatar feature and everything seems to work but there seems to be an extra line or dash after the avatar.

Can someone tell me where I can go to delete that line?

Thank you. :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#128 · Posted: 10 Sep 2012 10:36
Not sure what kind of line do you mean? Could you provide a screenshot? Could you see the same on the miniBB full demo?

It seems like you are using the older version of the avatars add-on. This line may appear only when you are logged in as the admin of the forum. Clicking this line may bring the alert window to delete the avatar right away. In the newest release, delete link for admin/moderator appears right on the avatar's image (so you can click the avatar to delete it). Anyway, whatever extra element or HTML may appear, is defined in the output produced by the parseUserInfo_user_custom1 function of bb_plugins.php.

Author myseo
#129 · Posted: 24 Oct 2012 22:27
Thank you

Author Cxsey
#130 · Posted: 6 Nov 2015 20:22
I have followed the readme twice, reuploaded and installed everything and the Avatar form won't show up on my registration page. No error code, nothing. Just blank space.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#131 · Posted: 7 Nov 2015 19:05
Avatar form won't show on the Registration page. It will be available only at the stage of editing the Profile, when it's created and accepted, and a member is logged in to proceed to it.

Author Guest
#132 · Posted: 10 Nov 2015 06:28
Is it possible to show the avatar anywhere else on the forum besides the posts and profile?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#133 · Posted: 10 Nov 2015 14:36
Is it possible to show the avatar anywhere else on the forum besides the posts and profile?
Sorry, but what do you mean by "anywhere" and what would be the sense of it, i.e. how this "anywhere" could be connected to the functionality?

Author Guest
#134 · Posted: 18 Nov 2015 00:34
Sorry, but what do you mean by "anywhere" and what would be the sense of it, i.e. how this "anywhere" could be connected to the functionality?
I want to make it so the user signed in can view their avatar where it says "Welcome, %username&. Logout >>"

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#135 · Posted: 18 Nov 2015 03:39
Answering your question - yes, it would be possible. But it's more up to the customized solution for your forum only, we couldn't code for your for free regarding this case.

Whatever needs to be done here, is that the script should catch an avatar value in the user_logged_in function of bb_codes.php. Then this value should be transferred to the proper template which is possibly user_logged_in.html.

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