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"Bad" words filter

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Author tom322
Active Member
#46 | Posted: 25 Nov 2006 10:37

Author Anonymous
#47 | Posted: 25 Nov 2006 18:11
Thank you very much, it seems it works as expected! :) I'd also appreciate a possibility to automaticaly delete the member who uses such a badword.

Author tom322
Active Member
#48 | Posted: 25 Nov 2006 19:16
Thank you very much, it seems it works as expected! :) I'd also appreciate a possibility to automaticaly delete the member who uses such a badword.
How would you know a member uses such a bad word if he/she won't be able to post it /:). Unless you want to penalize them for attempting to post such words. It would require some custom script, I'm sure.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#49 | Posted: 27 Nov 2006 08:04
I'd also appreciate a possibility to automaticaly delete the member who uses such a badword

I don't see a way how this can be done automatically. When you want to delete a user? When you delete his message or topic? Too much hassle...

In many cases, you don't need to delete a member. You need to make him inactive, so he can't register new account on the same email address and repeat the spam.

This will protect you if you have an option set for confirming registration by email.

Author Anonymous
#50 | Posted: 12 Mar 2007 09:17
Anyway to replace a bad words, such as shit, with shoot instead of ****?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#51 | Posted: 14 Mar 2007 04:48
What for?

Author astass
#52 | Posted: 1 Jan 2010 05:01
A useful module! Would do so with the administration panel you can manage the list of bad words.

Author cmarangon
#53 | Posted: 6 Sep 2018 06:10
I dont want "Bad" words filter.

How to do it?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#54 | Posted: 6 Sep 2018 12:17
I dont want "Bad" words filter.
How to do it?
If you mean you have installed it, then you need to un-install it, i.e. perform the roll-back action regarding the README for this add-on. Like this:

- Remove /* Badwords addon */.../* --Badwords addon */ block from bb_plugins.php.
- Delete the following files: addon_badwords.php, addon_badwords.txt, addon_badwords_sort.php - from your forums folder.

The same way any other add-on could be uninstalled. Just follow its README instructions and do the opposite (where it says "paste this or that" - remove it; where it says "copy this or that file" - delete it etc.)

Author joe654
#55 | Posted: 10 Sep 2018 22:30
This was a very imporatnt post.

Author sonamroy
#56 | Posted: 15 Jun 2019 09:29
After Using filter, it could be possible to stop unusual words ,but it will be work on limited way..we can not banned all words .

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#57 | Posted: 15 Jun 2019 13:32
Sure, we could not ban each and every word, but the purpose of the filter is not about this. Usually the list of words which will be "asterisked", is exactly about just a few stop-words, and this list is limited, 'cause s-phrases are almost all based on the same words' "root".

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 "Bad" words filter
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