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CAPTCHA (Human Authorization)

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Author stormie
#31 · Posted: 24 Feb 2008 08:46
Hi Paul I sorted the problem with the img generator, not sure how......something to do with parsing the 'secret code', anyway the captcha module appears to be working and the img generator is working but the page does not display the img, i think this is because of the url directive, ie the url is missing from the neccessary location in the code, I have tried to find this but can't.....where would this be?

By the way...i would have had you do this and the other job before but my server security 'frontpage' is protected by a system that prevents ftp from changing files....hence the need to keep asking you, sorry about that. Fasthosts had a security breach some weeks ago that reslulted in this security 'upgrade' (oh Well) :-(

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#32 · Posted: 25 Feb 2008 03:26
In all cases just View Source of the page and you will see the wrong point in your configuration. I see that your image now points to some URL like '../captcha/templates/' which is definitely wrong; but I can't tell whats's wrong exactly. Check your config.

Author deuced
#33 · Posted: 18 Mar 2008 03:08
Hello Team

I ve got CAPTCHA add on for about a month but not yet "fully" installed it.

I have integrade miniBB in my website following manual (Section: Including in your own PHP script) and works like a charm.

Then i installed CAPTCHA which is really functional and does work. But i cannot find a "way" to make CAPTCHA page integrade inside my template, the same way miniBB match my site.

It would be great if it could work with an "include header/footer" because i do not want to have just a white CAPTCHA page.

I know that i could copy static html pages and make a similar static page to match the template giving the impression that is integraded and that's what i m gonna do as a last solution.

But i was wondering if i'm missing something or you could give me some hint to follow.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#34 · Posted: 18 Mar 2008 04:48
Implementing Captcha for you own page not only means it could be included with a custom header or footer or something like this. It means your own script should handle the session's parameters which Captcha provides, and other very specific things. In each case depending on the purpose why you will use this module, there is a different solution, and you must be an experienced enough coder to build it, so I can't give any hint, sorry...

Author PaulM
#35 · Posted: 14 Apr 2008 03:23
Hey, I recently purchased the CAPTCHA addon for my website.

I followed the README instructions up to the point of testing, but am getting the error:

The image "http://www.XXXXXXX.XXX/forum/addon_captcha.php?md5=O2RAD00=" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

What have I done wrong?

Author PaulM
#36 · Posted: 14 Apr 2008 05:23
Apologies for my disturbance, I have fixed the problem!

The problem was - I uploaded the '/fonts' directory in ASCII mode - but it should be BINARY mode!

I feel like a complete newb!

Sorry again.


Author wilkinsmd
#37 · Posted: 12 May 2008 15:34
I just installed the CAPTCHA module and can't get past the first basic test,

"Impossible to generate image because turing number is wrong."

There is no info in the README file to help debug this problem.

In the README file it says "Make a test, if the generated image is really displaying. Set $secretTuringPass to 'zxDF5612' (value without apostrophes - as set by default). Then point your browser to:

My issue is, it doesn't say WHERE to set this variable. Presumably in the addon_captcha_options.php file? In the version of this file I received with the module this variable is already set to the value above. Should I be setting it somewhere else as well?

I am not getting any other error message.

Thanks for any help!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#38 · Posted: 13 May 2008 02:26
This error appears only when the length of the decoded Turing code doesn't equal to the value of $symbAmount setting. It is not needed to set this variable in many places, and that's right - it should be set only in addon_captcha_options.php file. However I would recommend first to try to use default settings without changing anything else. Also try to download latest version of this add-on from the Customers area - as I remember, there were slight changes in some modules recently, so maybe this would help you.

Author wilkinsmd
#39 · Posted: 13 May 2008 07:52
Thanks for the help, I downloaded the module again and reinstalled and it seems to be working now.

May I suggest updating the README file. For the "Make a test" section, just remove the sentence "Set $secretTuringPass to 'zxDF5612' (value without apostrophes - as set by default)." This variable is already set in the addon_captcha_options.php file and does not need to be changed for the first test.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#40 · Posted: 14 May 2008 03:08
Thank you for the suggestion, it's accepted and README changed for the default package now.

Author dannyboy
#41 · Posted: 16 May 2008 00:45
I have installed and used Captcha but have a problem with the authorization screen. The only thing that comes out is the Captcha box. You can see this in this file....

Auth Page

Help how do I fix this..Do I change the template or another question is where are the variables set?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#42 · Posted: 16 May 2008 06:33
It may happen if you are using custom (not English) language pack, and the language variables either are not defined for Captcha module, either they are not loaded. Make sure you have authorize_XXX.php file under /lang/ folder, where XXX stands for the prefix of your language pack.

Author dannyboy
#43 · Posted: 16 May 2008 12:02
Thanks Paul it worked. Then I had another problem which was solved by you in another message about sessions being kept. This was solved by adding the followng code before the "session_start()" code in addon_authorize.php.
session_save_path("complete path to a directory such as cgi-bin");
The need to do this was documented in my host php documentation

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#44 · Posted: 16 May 2008 14:32
Glad you solved it!

Author otto
#45 · Posted: 12 Jun 2008 22:07
I am very happy for MiniBB and very happy for Captcha.
It works very nice at my local server, but I am not happy for my service provider.

I closed down MiniBB on the remote server because Captcha does not work there (letters picture don't show up).
Since the service provider is impossible to speek with, I am looking for a new one.

But in the meantime, I would like to be sure of that my provider don't fullfill the requirements for Captcha?


On the remote server PHP-info says:

GD Support enabled
GD Version 1.6.2 or higher
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
JPG Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
WBMP Support enabled


On my local server PHP-info says:

GD Support enabled
GD Version bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support enabled
FreeType Linkage with freetype
FreeType Version 2.1.9
T1Lib Support enabled
GIF Read Support enabled
GIF Create Support enabled
JPG Support enabled
PNG Support enabled
WBMP Support enabled
XBM Support enabled


Captcha requires GD Library most preferrably it should have a version higher than 2.x.
The words "most preferrably" do not say "requires", but the remote server says it has "GD Version 1.6.2 or higher" and is that the reason why it not works there?

Are there other things I shall look for in PHP-info?

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 CAPTCHA (Human Authorization)
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Check out the Captcha add-on: protect your miniBB-forums from the automated spam and flood.