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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#121 · Posted: 17 Jun 2014 16:11
So, if I understand correctly, to have pureply numerical Captcha ouput, $t_symbols needs to be set to "2345678" (omitting 0, 1 and 9 to save confusion with letters o, O, l, and g), correct?

And $symbAmount sets the length of the output.

End Users are not related to $secretTuringPass at all. It is used in the coding process only, the image itself could be displayed only using <img> tag, images can not be embedded in HTML directly. That's why while referring to the image containing a certain code, PHP generates some encoded string for this and uses sophisticated protection password to not allow this string easily decoded with brute-force method and others. $secretTuringPass is just about making the public URL to the image a unique one. Without knowing this value, the actual code on the Captcha image could not be known to decoding machine, if it doesn't know the secret key.

Author Rider
#122 · Posted: 23 Nov 2018 21:54
Not sure if it's a bug, but on the registration page the link to the captcha-code is http where the rest of my website is https. This leads to the problem that the code is not shown.

Ref. MiniBB ver 3.3, addon_captcha_options.php, $actual_link

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#123 · Posted: 23 Nov 2018 22:57
Not sure what the $actual_link is about (?), but addon_captcha_options.php, there's an option named $urlToTuringImage. There you should change http to https and that way it should work.

There's a standalone option, because the image is loaded independently from the forum options. So if you change $main_url in setup_options.php (for example, when switching to https), then if you have the Captcha add-on installed, you also need to change $urlToTuringImage.

Author Rider
#124 · Posted: 24 Nov 2018 00:00
It is about this:

$actual_link = "http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]";
$xc=explode('/', $actual_link);
$fullPath=implode('/', $xc).'/';

I was just surprised to find 'http' hard coded in the code instead of a variable, but of course I got it working after adding an 's' to http in $actual_link. Indeed the problem occured after we switched to https. This would work:


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#125 · Posted: 24 Nov 2018 11:13
When describing the problem, you have to mention you're using the Compiler's version :) because the default add-on has more simpler setup, the one I described.

So either you could substitute https in the code for $actual_link, either just remove all automatic code which Compiler provides, replacing it to the code I've described above. You may need to check default addon_captcha_options.php to see what I'm about.

$main_url won't work here. The script which displays the Captcha image, is standalone and it doesn't rely on setup_options.php where this option comes from.

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 CAPTCHA (Human Authorization)
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