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File Bank

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Author piatan
#1 · Posted: 7 Mar 2010 05:07
I have just installed File Bank add-on ( and now I can upload files - it works fine and files appear on the server. Unfortunately there is no access to the bank - I have no "File Bank" link in menu bar. What may be the reason?
I use last miniBB version with only some necessary changes in setup_options .php. I haven't installed Uber-Uploader extension.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#2 · Posted: 8 Mar 2010 05:21
This link is optional. Try to put {$storageLink} under templates/main_header.html.

Author piatan
#3 · Posted: 8 Mar 2010 08:18
OK. I have found the proper place to put {$storageLink} and everything looks as I expected. Thank you.

Author Prince
#4 · Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:09
How Do I add a delete button, when an uploaded file not found in look up section?
I mean if file not found there be a delete button or link beside that to be easy to delete not found files..

here an image (I mean here):

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#5 · Posted: 27 Oct 2010 07:19
There is a common delete button for all files, located in the same dropdown as the "Look up" option. Check the file, choose this option and proceed.

You may Look up for many files at once, not just for one file, then also delete many files at once.

Author Prince
#6 · Posted: 8 Nov 2010 13:34
I've seen a file (up.php) in shared_file,
with all information (database user and pass)

is that normal from minibb or not?

(sorry I had to send it to strange files on my server) topic.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#7 · Posted: 8 Nov 2010 15:15
It's not normal. Definitely there is some sort of intrusion, make sure you have register_globals of php.ini set to OFF and other server-side security. The reason may come from very different sources, so I can't say nothing more exact without more infos...

Author Barry S.
#8 · Posted: 12 Jan 2011 08:07
On your Community Forums site it shows a link to File Bank in the link-ribbon below the solid blue header. This link is not available on my site, hence there is no way to jump to the File Bank. How do I enable this link within the ribbon? Thanks.

I've also included an image showing what I mean.

File Bank link

In the image, the top capture shows your MiniBB Community Forms site with the "ribbon" link to File Bank circled in red ( actually burnt orange). The bottom capture in the image shows my site and the "ribbon" link with no jump to File Bank. As it turns out, I can find no way to jump to the File Bank without manually formatting the URL with "?action= storage". How do I enable that ribbon link to include File Bank.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 12 Jan 2011 08:09
1. Make sure you've put {$storageLink} under templates/main_header.html following all instructions described.

2. If the tag is already in the template mentioned, it depends on what kind of section you are in. Some add-ons may end their execution earlier that the code for File Bank link is executed.

For that case, try to paste the File Bank's code in bb_plugins.php which says

/* if you would like to display link to storage in forums menu for registered users only, uncomment the code below and alter it with the next line */
$storageLink="<a href=\"{$indexphp}action=storage\">File Bank</a> {$l_sepr} ";
to the very top of this file (but not the whole bb_plugins code - just this part).

The link is actually indicated through the variable $storageLink which is lost somewhere, that's why it's not displayed.

Author canalrun
#10 · Posted: 12 Jan 2011 09:11
Thanks. I will look closely at those areas.

Author canalrun
#11 · Posted: 12 Jan 2011 19:49
Thanks for your last response, but I do not see "storageLink" or main_header listed anywhere in the Installation Guide of readme.txt. I have even searched with the find function in Notepad2.

Another post says "I found storageLink", but he doesn't say where.

I'm using version 1.3 of File Bank from the zip file I downloaded on 1/11/2011 and the latest miniBB downloaded that day also. I even re-downloaded tonight as a check.

I checked the main_header template file - storageLink is not in there. I searched all files with Agent Ransack and the only place it found storageLink is in bb_plugins.php.

Could you forward the instructions and where to modify main_header? Should storageLink be in any other files, besides bb_plugins and main_header?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 13 Jan 2011 04:02
Sorry - it seems the instruction was really missing some how. Now it's there.

The instruction is simple - modify /templates/main_header.html template and paste the variable:


indicating the link to the file bank files list. For example:


Author canalrun
#13 · Posted: 13 Jan 2011 11:19

This solved the problem. The File Bank link now shows up. I also made the changes to bb_plug-ins.php to only allow logged in users to access the File Bank - works great.

Thanks for minbb and the storage add-on.

One question I still have, which I will be looking at. I would like to log off a user if he closes his browser. I think this is just a modification to the cookie that is sent at login. Do you know, offhand, what I would have to modify to do this. And, is it as simple as modifying a cookie?


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 13 Jan 2011 13:20
Under setup_options.php, you may try to set $cookie_expires=0;

Our manual is the next step to learn miniBB :-) It describes many other settings, too.

Author canalrun
#15 · Posted: 13 Jan 2011 14:05
Thanks much.

I must have read right over that.


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