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File and Image Attachments

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#151 · Posted: 20 Feb 2012 12:14
Why does the upload addon think a .pdf file is a mime type application/download?
That depends on the browser, because the browser passes this data to a server.
So far I have tested and can confirm, that Mozilla is considering PDFs as application/binary.
Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari for Windows, Google Chrome - as application/pdf.
Conclusion is that obviously you're trying to test this with Mozilla, which has huge amount of bugs (as always).

However the way the files are shown in the forum is a little sloppy...
It may appear that way because of some wrong modification you did. In a default version there should be displayed attachment_icons/pdf.gif icon near the uploaded file. You may check how it looks on miniBB demo (I already provided some test PDF example which 100% worked on my end).

Author paddysmith
#152 · Posted: 15 Mar 2012 06:04
Near the message's posting form there will appear regular file upload boxes; they are visible only for logged-in users. File is chosen pressing the "Browse" button and then locating it on the disk; it is possible to specify short title/description for each file which could do a good job for SEO fans.

Uploaded files may be deleted clicking the appropriate link; editing the message it is allowed to edit files titles and add new files.

Author Jaime
#153 · Posted: 30 May 2012 13:49
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /xyz/bb_plugins2.php on line ...
Is this line: try { $cmg->readImage($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'][$if]); }

Where I could have made a mistake? in bb_plugins2 before that was the code of Premod addon, but even if this is deleted is the same error message

Author Jaime
#154 · Posted: 30 May 2012 15:24
Error found .. i only have GD 2.0 and not ImageMagick

Author SteveB
#155 · Posted: 3 Jun 2012 19:48
I am new to the forum and to miniBB.
Really need to start a new thread but cant see where i do that so am posting here.
I have installed the File / Image uploader but am having problems.
I see the file attachment option and the 'choose file' boxes etc, and when i check the ftp i see that files are uploaded okay, however when I start a new topic or post I cannot see the thumbnails. I can only see the uploaded file thumbnail (image or document) when I REPLY to a post.

Could anyone kindly advise as to what the issue may be ?

Many thanks

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#156 · Posted: 4 Jun 2012 17:59
Sorry, but I'm not sure what kind of thumbnails do you mean.
Use our demo and provide a screenshot of what you are missing and where.
Yes, we have one thread for all messages related to this add-on, in one place :)
That's why you are not offered to start a custom topic in this section.

Author SteveB
#157 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 12:31
Hi Paul
Thanks for your reply.
The problem is that when I start a new topic or post I see the "attach file button" and can go through the motions of choosing the file to upload etc. but when I hit the send button I don't see a thumbnail of the image I upload in the actual post, as if its not there.
However only when I 'reply' to a post and attach a file in my reply do i then see a thumbnail of my attached file in the actual post.

I have uploaded a series of screenshots to show the issue.
Appreciate your time and interest.

Author SteveB
#158 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 12:32
Well I thought I uploaded screen shots ...cant see where they went ...did you get them (4 in total) ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#159 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 18:00
Ok, after you were uploading screenshots, there was a link to paste in your message and so to provide the view of them :)
It seems they are:

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#160 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 18:04
Ok, it seems you might check the templates/main_topics.html file.
Make sure the <form....> present in this template, is having the attribute enctype="multipart/form-data".
For example, it could be:

<form id="postMsg" action="{$indexphp}" method="post" class="formStyle" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Make sure it has this tag.

Ah well, and thanks for pointing me to that - it seems I was missing this in our demo, too :) So it's fixed now there.

Author SteveB
#161 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 19:05
Thats GREAT !
Now working ... MANY THANKS !

Author SteveB
#162 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 19:08
Just one final thing ...the icons above the text field where someone enters a post I believe are...
Image (camera)
Link (http)
Please could you explain what the Image (camera) icon is really there for .

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#163 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 19:55
Please could you explain what the Image (camera) icon is really there for .
It's a regular button from miniBB, meaning you can post a reduced in width image from any URL having an image. It can be any URL, not just from the local forums of website. For example, I've used this code to restore your screenshots above.

Author SteveB
#164 · Posted: 5 Jun 2012 22:29
Okay ...many thanks Paul.

Author trc4949
#165 · Posted: 7 Dec 2012 21:55
I cannot seem to get the fileupload addon to work, meaning to display the thumbnails in the posting I post them to. I followed all the install steps.

It appears that I am not putting the parse message function in the bb plugins file.. But I do not know what the parsemessage function is or where to find it or where exactly to put it despite reading all the instructions.

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 File and Image Attachments
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