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File and Image Attachments

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Author Bluesplayer
#181 · Posted: 6 Apr 2014 13:01
do you see $resizeBigPictures=xxx; in addon_fileupload_options ? It works in others addons too ... (pics,storages) ...
Ah yes - I see it now.

So if I set $resizeBigPictures=1024 then any picture with width or height larger than this will be resized? Perfect if that is the case.

Author Guest
#182 · Posted: 7 Apr 2014 11:14
Finally, understood.

Author Bluesplayer
#183 · Posted: 7 Apr 2014 11:23
Dunno about you but I found it confusing when I set $resizeBigPictures=1024. I could see the pic had been resized but the popup was adding style to the image which made it more or less impossible to see it's actual full size. I then edited the addon_fileupload file and removed this code ...


which effectively removed the problem and now the popups show the full resized image correctly.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#184 · Posted: 9 Apr 2014 16:08
The pop-up will shrink a picture a bit to fit it to the screen (for example, if it's height is "more than enough").
Anyway, this is an open source code, so you are free to edit it and get to the result you want.

Author Jaime
#185 · Posted: 26 Apr 2014 08:38
This addon I had longer installed in a test environment. This test environment was password-protected and are therefore not accessible to search engines. There are no error messages I noticed from the addon in the log file of my server.

Now the addon is on the public forums page active. And now I have hundreds of 404 error messages in the log of the Apache Server

../shared_files/uploaded/538/ not found
../shared_files/uploaded/33/ not found

and hundrets more ...

But i have only one Topic with uploaded Files ... Why do these senseless access attempts? Has anyone with this addon similar requests in the server log file?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#186 · Posted: 27 Apr 2014 15:30
Make sure these files are actually opening, if you enter the URL manually. There could be misconfiguration on file access privileges.

Author Jaime
#187 · Posted: 27 Apr 2014 15:42
Paul, it's correct that the call of these URLs are reported as error pages. The directories there is not because there is no corresponding Topics with attached images.

I just wonder why, for example, Google searches for these ghost directories. There is indeed no links on my site pointing to such ghost directories! I'll be watching it once more ...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#188 · Posted: 27 Apr 2014 15:47
Obviously, SOMETHING is still referring to these images, I can't be sure what exactly...

Author Jaime
#189 · Posted: 20 May 2014 08:26
On May 17 google searches for

/194 /911 /821 /825 /260 /248 /910 /827 /290 /828 /1194 /1197 /1196 /1195

But there is only a single post with uploaded pictures!

My Settings:


And in the directory i have the mbb htaccess!

I also noticed on .. because i can not explain ...

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#190 · Posted: 20 May 2014 15:59
May be such folders were present earlier, available to all public?
Even if they are removed now, Google may still try to index them for some time until it's sure they are not here anymore.

Author Jaime
#191 · Posted: 20 May 2014 22:40
No, this directory never existed. Also not in the past. Otherwise, i could understand that google search this :)

There is an topic with the number 194, from August 2005 ... Since I did not even know the addon. And on that topic, an image was never uploaded. Guaranteed.

I just watch on ... and sometime I'll probably figure it out :)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#192 · Posted: 20 May 2014 22:51
How could be your sure actually that Google searched for these folders, not someone else? ;)

Author Jaime
#193 · Posted: 21 May 2014 09:22
From my access-log: - - [16/May/2014:01:30:16 +0200] "GET /../shared_files/uploaded/194/ HTTP/1.1" 404 7125 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" "my-page-url"
And in my error-log:
[Fri May 16 01:30:16 2014] [error] [client] File does not exist: /.../shared_files/uploaded/194
And only those entries i suspect that it is google ... ;-)

Or should i additionally put an entry in the robots.txt to prohibit searching the uploaded directory for all search engines?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#194 · Posted: 21 May 2014 12:36
It could be Google or it could be not, headers could be a fake.
Anyway, I'm not sure what does it mean. What's about "my-page-url"? What kind of value is substituted there?..

Author Jaime
#195 · Posted: 21 May 2014 15:33
What's about "my-page-url"? What kind of value is substituted there?..
This is the referer page from that linked to the url, also my domain.

Suppose there is a Fake ... Could these addresses are formed via the JavaScript entries of this addon?

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