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File and Image Attachments

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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#16 · Posted: 19 Jan 2007 08:24
If you there are such problems with resising, it's a simple solution to just skip innerwidth or other calculations and display the window with the specified width/height... screen.width or other type calculations you see are done just because the JS tries to display pop up CENTERED on your monitor. If you skip these calculations and just set

wsss=0; hsss=0;

above call, it should display it in the left upper corner and that's all...

Yes, there is also a sense in scrollbars exactly because it's not know how browser will display the pop-up... having errors like yours, user could try to resize the window though if he doesn't see the picture in full.

Scrollbars are not so important in general, and it is allowed they both are appearing; but it is also important window has an approximate size of the picture so the user sees at least the 90% of the image itself. It's not possible to know all cases of course, so scrollbars should be kept, both...

Author harootun
#17 · Posted: 20 Jan 2007 15:20
My discussion of the scrollbars is definitely not a problem, just an observation. The only thing I'm changing from the default is to allow users to resize the popup window if they choose. Got the little thumbnails working on the topics page (thanks again for that tip!). Am LOVING this plugin, as well as minibb in general!!!

Author GettinBetter
#18 · Posted: 4 Feb 2007 14:28
Every thing seems to work except I can't see the image or the zip I have uploaded? Also the time taken to upload seems too fast, so I'm not sure it actually gone.

What do you mean by "comment it in your post"?

Lets make sure I am doing it right.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#19 · Posted: 5 Feb 2007 03:50
Be sure you have followed all guides described in the readme... incl. you have pasted the necessary var for main_posts_cell.html template and created all forms being MULTIPART... I am not the wizard to determine what you have done wrong ;-)

Author GettinBetter
#20 · Posted: 5 Feb 2007 12:28
I don't need your sarcasm, I'm not an idiot. I have followed your instructions methodically, and I am investigating 'my' problem. Please just answer the question.

I just need to know what you mean by "comment in your post"
in the section....
"You may attach file(s) to your message. Read Uploading Rules before!
Choose the file from disk, then write in and post your message.
When uploading a file, you must comment it in your post.

Author tom322
Active Member
#21 · Posted: 5 Feb 2007 13:10
"comment in your post"
Well, it means exactly that: insert a comment regarding the uploaded file in your post. So you cannot just post a picture/file without any comments.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#22 · Posted: 6 Feb 2007 05:07
By "comment it in your post" it is meant you need to post a message text. You can't just upload the file and post an empty message.

And it was not a sarcasm. You are not an idiot, I am not a wizard.

Author harootun
#23 · Posted: 20 Feb 2007 19:02
Another question about those "little thumbnails."

I have implemented this feature on my Forum (thanks to the help I got here last month), and it's working great. I have it set so up to 5 thumbnails can appear on a topic.

My question is this. As far as I can tell, only the first five uploaded files show up as thumbnails, and I would love it if the NEWEST five files would appear instead. Not sure if this is already possible, a feature request, or a custom (paid) modification.

Any/all info appreciated! Thanks!!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#24 · Posted: 21 Feb 2007 06:28
You forced me to investigate this problem and issue an updated package in customers area (the version number stays the same, only addon_fileupload_topic_thumbnails.code has been updated) ;-)

It is impossible to read the directory recursively in PHP 4.x, but it is possible (and much faster) in PHP 5, using new function scandir() (instead of opendir() ). So if you download this update and apply it having PHP5, thumbnails will be listed in descending mode (latest uploaded shown first).

There is also a little option $useAlt introduced, which allows to substitute topic's title as ALT tag and not waste resources on reading "original" ALTs coming with the original file.

Try it and report the results...

Author harootun
#25 · Posted: 22 Feb 2007 05:45
Thanks, Paul!

You are too good and too fast! My schedule won't let me do the update until the weekend. Will report the results then.

Thanks again!!!

Author harootun
#26 · Posted: 24 Feb 2007 10:59

It works great! Perfect!!! I am thrilled.

Thanks again!

Author Anonymous
#27 · Posted: 1 Mar 2007 10:59

I have just intalled the addon but I have a error message when posting.

But if I come back to the forum the images are uploaded and everything work propely !!!

Here is the error message :

Warning: chmod() has been disabled for security reasons in bb_plugins2.php on line 205

Warning: chmod() has been disabled for security reasons in bb_plugins2.php on line 205

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/62/a/r/n/ in index.php on line 368

What can I do ?




Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#28 · Posted: 2 Mar 2007 04:10
Look up for the line 205 in bb_plugins2.php and try to disable/comment the code which calls chmod() function, putting 2 slashes before. I.e.

//chmod("{$moveDir}/{$topic_last_post_id}_{$if}_o.{$ext}", 0666);

I am wondering though you want to run such serious procedure as file upload on the server with the limited functions...

Author Anonymous
#29 · Posted: 5 Mar 2007 01:53
Coolllll it works perfectly now !!!!! :-)

I don t know about my server limitation, but file upload works well and everything else also....sooo

Thanks a lot .

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#30 · Posted: 5 Mar 2007 03:15
Changing this, be sure you are allowed still to copy uploaded files for the backup purposes (via FTP for example). I am not sure if CHMOD command is disabled, file permissions are assigned properly.

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