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File and Image Attachments

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Author Prince
#121 · Posted: 21 Sep 2010 09:15
file.3gp not file.3gpp?
the type was 3gpp/video

but the files are file.3gp
that works now..

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#122 · Posted: 21 Sep 2010 09:19
I've put originally, "the original extension of the file as the name" - meaning the name of the icon. Ok you've got it now :-)

Author Jaime
#123 · Posted: 8 Dec 2010 00:10
I.e. if you set $saveAsEnable=1; and $closeByClick=1; it should close the window when you left-click on it, and should suggest the menu of saving options when you right-click on it.
I've now tried several times, Firefox (here V3.6.12) closes with each click (right or left) the window.

Of course I have your test page with my Firefox visited. After logging in there, but it looks no different from my Site (each click (right or left) close the Window - no way to download the picture.(with IE-Browser it works!)

With the settings:


everything works, but just not close the window by mouse-clicking (left) with my Firefox.

But well, a user of looking how to start a download ... that can safely close the window itself :) Not really a big problem for me.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#124 · Posted: 8 Dec 2010 03:33
I've now tried several times, Firefox (here V3.6.12) closes with each click (right or left) the window.
Yes, Firefox works that way. And we can't do anything because of that.

If you set $closeByClick=0; this will let the script to disable the closing the window on click, in any browser. This is the common solution for all browsers. If some users want to download pictures, let them use another browser besides of Firefox. I think for those who really want to save pictures, it wouldn't be a problem... I also think, this is a minor part of users not to specially care :-) The most important is to let users act more comfortably, and I think, closing the pop-up on click is a more comfortable and quicker way.

Author Ricardo
#125 · Posted: 21 Feb 2011 11:14
Hello Guys,

i have a Problem with my File and Image Upload Plugin.

After correct install the file upload works, but in the post view i don´t see the image oder files. When i will edit a post then is see thats there a uploaded file.

Any idea why i don´t see thumbnails and files?


Author Guest
#126 · Posted: 21 Feb 2011 21:21
Have you modified templates/main_posts_cell.html? There must be {$fileUploadData} var present.

Author Guest
#127 · Posted: 18 Apr 2011 04:16
I already add {$fileUploadData} in templates/main_posts_cell.html but it's still dont show any file ..

but i try to show thumnail ,, it's ok !! what's happened with {$fileUploadData} ???

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#128 · Posted: 18 Apr 2011 05:19
Make sure you have pasted the code for 'parseMessage' function properly.

Author Guest
#129 · Posted: 18 Apr 2011 05:28
i cant find 'parseMessage' function in plugin .. where can i find it?

in readme told me that pasted 'parseMessage' from 'bb_plugins_parseMessage.code.txt' to bb_plugin.php?? but i cant find 'parseMessage'

Author Guest
#130 · Posted: 18 Apr 2011 05:41
ok, thanks i already solve it. i have to defined 'parseMessage()' and copy whole of 'bb_plugins_parseMessage.code.txt' into it

sorry for my unwariness

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#131 · Posted: 18 Apr 2011 11:11
If you doubt how to install this or that add-on, you can use our Compiler and check what happens when the script does it for you.

Ha, but let me guess - you've got the pirated version of this add-on, that's why you can't use Compiler, and must turn on your thinking abilities, which brings you new troubles :D

Author Guest
#132 · Posted: 19 Apr 2011 02:20
i haven't got pirated version .. but i dont know how to use compiler ?????

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#133 · Posted: 19 Apr 2011 02:34
If you've purchased this add-on from us, you should receive Customer's login to the special area. When logging in to that area and going to the Compiler page, you will be able to compile File Upload add-on amongst other add-ons.

I didn't understand your question, i.e. i dont know how to use compiler ? - what you should specifically know, except checking the boxes and clicking the button?..

Author Guest
#134 · Posted: 19 Apr 2011 04:40
ok,, my boss assigned this job for me .. and he's only give me some file so i dont have any pass or any details about compiler .. i only want to finish my assigned for quickly .. ok?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#135 · Posted: 19 Apr 2011 05:56
You have all chances for it. You have Readme documentation and guides on our forum. There is nothing difficult in installing this add-on except following all instructions carefully.

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 File and Image Attachments
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