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File and Image Attachments

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Author DForbes
#1 · Posted: 24 Jul 2005 19:38

I am considering the donation to get the file upload plugin. Does this plugin provide documentation on how to integrate it? Also does that documentation allow for the plugin to be configured to protect images from being downloaded? Thanks.


Author Ivan
Advanced Member
#2 · Posted: 24 Jul 2005 22:17
Yes, in the "readme" there is described how to install it.

In principle, the files are not viewed and/or downloaded by non-registered and non-logged in users. And, yes, there is an option to put the pictures as background, and this way to disable the "Save as..." function.

Author Team
#3 · Posted: 25 Jul 2005 09:25
It is also possible to prevent images from direct downloading creating special .htaccess file.

Author n1g3lng
#4 · Posted: 15 Nov 2005 08:50
Hi Team,

this is my first post here. Me & my community thank for your guys excellent board yet minimal.

And I am about to purchase the File Uploader extension. I just wonder if the file uploader allow to upload flash and display it on post rather than just attached it to the post as an attachment?


Author Team
#5 · Posted: 15 Nov 2005 10:09
Unfortunatelly, no - current version doesn't allow it, since it wasn't requested by our customers previously... In general, I think, it's much more better to display flash as attachments. Could you imagine one thread with many flash files displayed simultaneously? ;) They sound, they bleep and moving in different spaces. Will look fair, or not? ;)

Author n1g3lng
#6 · Posted: 15 Nov 2005 14:40
one thread with many flash files displayed simultaneously?

Then it look very sh*tty :)). Anyway how can I make the purchasing process ?

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 15 Nov 2005 17:08
Scroll down the file upload information page - and you'll see the link for our vendor 2checkout. Click on it, and purchase the plugin filling your CC details, as much as email address, where we need to send the files, and other personal info requested. When your credit card will be passed, you'll get the package on your specified email! Usually, it takes 1-3 business days to complete the order.

Author spudley
#8 · Posted: 20 Jun 2006 03:14
I see a similar problem (with fix) discussing about an Avatar plugin - just wondering if anyone has made changes to the file upload plugin? Is there options to be able to make it work with the server's safe mode on?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#9 · Posted: 20 Jun 2006 07:12
The error most probably means your PHP is not able to create directories because of Safe Mode. In addon_fileupload_options.php, try to set $dirsTopic=FALSE; - addon should save all files then in the general folder /uploaded/ not separate them by directories.

Author harootun
#10 · Posted: 16 Jan 2007 20:22
I have installed the file upload plug-in and it's working perfectly. One question I had in terms of control. In my testing, after uploading pictures (which works perfectly), I click on them and they appear in the pop-up window, as they should.

However, the pop-up window in all my test cases is slightly smaller than the image, meaning that one has to scroll around just a little to see all the edges of the image.

Basically, this is a browser issue. I'm on a mac, and I guess that in some browsers, the pop-up window has scrollbars (and therefore the picture doesn't quite fit). In others the popup window doesn't have scroll bars.

On the browsers on my machine, Opera and Camino work fine (no scrollbars). The scrollbars appear in Safari and Firefox.

This is true for the test forum for the pictures on as well.

This is certainly not a big deal, but just thought I'd mention it, because i'm that anal retentive! It's one reason i am loving minibb. Minibb gives you such great control over the appearance of your forums!!!


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#11 · Posted: 17 Jan 2007 04:35
Unfortunatelly, I have no ideas why it's happening on your Mac (I know only there are so many bugs related to JavaScript; also as I know it works on other Mac's since I have few customers using it). You may try to look up for 'function popUp' in addon_fileupload.php and probably adjust it some way (this function actually opens a new window and loads up the picture in it). Which way? It's hard to say for me. But you're welcome to publish a solution here if you find it ;-)

Author harootun
#12 · Posted: 18 Jan 2007 23:23
On the demo forum, there are little thumbnails that appear with the title of a topic. Is this part of the file upload addon (which I have)? I can't seem to find any mention of it in the readme for it. Everything else is working fine. The thumbnails in the invidiual posts, etc. Is it a different addon? Am I blind?

Author tom322
Active Member
#13 · Posted: 18 Jan 2007 23:36
I believe it is to show you can easily (if you know how to ;) modify the addon and show thumbnails from the posts if needed. I don't think it's by default though.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 19 Jan 2007 03:33
Is this part of the file upload addon (which I have) - it is possible to enable such option with default methods (however, it is just not enabled by default of course). Look up for addon_fileupload_topic_thumbnails.code file in your package. This is the code you need to paste in bb_plugins.php (in any place actually but preferrable BEFORE main file upload code for this file). It also says what options needs to be enabled in the addon itself to get this work.

How's your deal with opening pop-up picture windows on Mac/Safari? Have you solved this?

Author harootun
#15 · Posted: 19 Jan 2007 06:30
Thanks!!! I'll try that out later today.

As for scrollbars on the popup pics, I did try to play around with the javascript but seems to be beyond me. Again, it's not a bug or anything, the fileupload is functioning and fully usable, so I probably won't pursue it further. Seems like one could theoretically use window.innerWidth; and window.innerHeight; for certain browsers to determine the size of the window, while using document.body.clientWidth; and document.body.clientHeight; for others. But that's probably way more trouble than it's worth.

The one thing i did notice in the addon_fileupload.php code that seemed odd was that it was set to scrollbars=2. Shouldn't it be 1 or 0? Isn't this basically a toggle? No reason to set it to 2, right? Tthe only adverse effect from having it set to "2" was in Opera on the Mac. If the pic was too big for the screen, it doesn't give you a scroll bar! Works properly in all the other browsers I tested. Opera behaves properly if set to scrollbars=1.

Anyway, here's my unoffical, incomplete survey. All browsers are the latest version except for IE on the PC, which is version 6.

IE - popup sizes properly, no resize.
Firefox - popup sizes properly, can resize window.

Safari - scrollbars ALWAYS appear so calculation of popoup window size slightly off, no resize
Firefox - scrollbars ALWAYS appear so calculation of popoup window size slightly off, no resize
Opera - popup sizes properly, no resize.
Camino - popup sizes properly, no resize.

Anybody else want to report their results in browser tests?

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 File and Image Attachments
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