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Author PurpleCow
#106 · Posted: 30 Dec 2010 16:20

On the main domain of my site, I run a directory script.
On a sub-domain I run minibb forum.

How can I display all my forums (not topics or latest topics) from my forum in sub-domain on the front page of my directory script on main domain using this plugin?

I only want to display all the forums, descriptions, # of topics and # of replies (similar to how the forums are displayed on the sub-domain forum home page)

AND - how can I use this plugin if my forum is on one TLD and page I want to display is on another TLD?

Thanks much

Author kuopassa
#107 · Posted: 1 Jan 2011 14:35
I only want to display all the forums, descriptions, # of topics and # of replies (similar to how the forums are displayed on the sub-domain forum home page)
This plugin doesn't in my understanding have a feature like this, so you need to do some custom MySQL query to the miniBB's database and write some code...

AND - how can I use this plugin if my forum is on one TLD and page I want to display is on another TLD?
The contents of this plugin will be available publicly in or something like that. You can fetch that page with PHP for example. Here's a code example:

$stuff = file_get_contents('');
echo $stuff;

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#108 · Posted: 3 Jan 2011 06:12
If your primary domain and sub-domain are located on the same server, having access to the same mySQL database, I don't see any difficulty to display miniBB threads.

If they are on different servers, you may switch to the JavaScript inclusion of this add-on. JavaScript will work across any domains.

Don't invent the bicycle - it's all described in add-on's README.

Author Guest
#109 · Posted: 8 Jan 2011 14:23
Thank You

Author PurpleCow
#110 · Posted: 13 Jan 2011 21:26
I don't see any difficulty to display miniBB threads
I actually wanted to display forums and not threads... Thanks

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#111 · Posted: 14 Jan 2011 04:13
What I definitely could tell, that this add-on displays topic titles and may display message text, nothing else.

I am not sure - what kind of sense to display forums on the primary page? They all are already listed in the dedicated section.

Anyway, it is possible of course - but it's up to your custom programming. We don't have such add-on by now.

Author Guest
#112 · Posted: 21 Apr 2011 10:15

In the 1st page news addon I would like to display the date as 21/04/11 instead of April 21, 2011

How do i do this?

Many thanks


Author tom322
Active Member
#113 · Posted: 21 Apr 2011 12:38
In addon_1stpagenews.php find:

$dateFormatNews='F j, Y';

and change it to:


Author learnednewbie
#114 · Posted: 3 Sep 2011 21:58
A couple of pointers for anyone installing this script (that I've learnt from trial and error myself):

1) Define the absolute path ($path in addon_1stpagenews2.php) by using the function getcwp() (e.g. <?php echo getcwp() ?>). Just start a new php file in your forum directory and then substitute the echoed value into the $path=''. Remember the final slash on the end, as Paul pointed out in the readme file.

2) Remember to change the setting depending on the method of output you're using ($displayMethod=). 1 for echo and 2 for javascript.

3) Before loading this script live into your website and then wondering why it isn't working - create a blank php in the root directory, and then continue to test until you get the result you want.

There is more pointers, but the first two are easy mistakes to make which will stop the feed from working.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#115 · Posted: 5 Sep 2011 11:57
1) It's all written in the README file. Study readme file before spending your life to unnecessary investigations. That will be much more quicker for you :)

Regarding all other points - you just should know what that script does, and why would you need it, and what for. All options are set up for that.

Author rgm
#116 · Posted: 25 Oct 2011 11:55
How can I show the user´s avatar on first page news? i dont make it work anyway...
another question: Can I show the latest photos uploaded to forum on the first page news?

Thanks a lot

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#117 · Posted: 25 Oct 2011 12:20
1st page news add-on is not compatible with the other miniBB add-ons (except pre-moderation, as it doesn't show the queued messages). Whatever it displays by default, is only information from the core database.

Both of your tasks are possible to implement, but they will require a lot of custom modifications.

Author Rider
#118 · Posted: 20 Feb 2025 19:42
How to include the 1stpagenews addon on one page twice?

I am trying to include the 1stpagenews addon TWICE on our homepage, so that I can show 2 blocks with different forum messages.
In order to do so I made a copy of addon_1stpagenews2.php and called it addon_1stpagenews3.php. On our homepage I included both php files using php include tags. But unfortunately, only the first block with forum messages shows up, the second one doesn't.
I am afraid that what I want is not possible, or do you think it is possible to achieve this (without modifying the code in the addon itself)?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#119 · Posted: 24 Feb 2025 17:16
I suppose default filename doesn't contain the number on its end, that's why at first you may consider to upgrade to the newest version of this add-on.

Answering your question, if you include via PHP, then the original of this script should contain:

but the duplicate should contain:

Obviusly the error appears because the script tries to load some other scripts and functions twice. Setting up this option you will force only the first script make inclusions, but not the second.

Author Rider
#120 · Posted: 25 Feb 2025 00:13
Great, it worked! Thank you very much Paul!

And yes... I should upgrade.

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