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New Configurable Topic Form

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Author Team
#1 | Posted: 6 Oct 2006 04:30
This thread is related to "Separate New Topic Form" add-on, which allows to set up "new topic" link separated on a different page, also as to display new topic form on the first forums page. This is an official plugin issued by miniBB team (Sergei Larionov), you can download/install it for free from our Downloads page.

Author Team
#2 | Posted: 29 Nov 2006 00:15
The addon has been updated today. Latest release fixes some "tabindex" fixes for the latest miniBB version.

Author Anonymous
#3 | Posted: 19 Apr 2007 21:01
Is there a way to have the New Topci form not display a category, but instead have the user select? Problem now is it defaults to the first one, and everyone posts without selecting the correct category. This causes me a lot of time in having to move the messages after they have been posted.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#4 | Posted: 20 Apr 2007 02:35
not display a category, but instead have the user select

- sorry, what do you mean by "user select"?

This causes me a lot of time in having to move the messages after they have been posted

- just skip the form then and use miniBB defaults... I am sure you will have more chances then to save your time ;-)

Author lime
#5 | Posted: 7 Jul 2007 16:14
When you're using the new topic form on the first page and you have a post only forum, it still shows in the option box. Is there a way to check for post only forums and remove it? I couldn't quite figure it out.

Author Sergei
Team member
#6 | Posted: 10 Jul 2007 00:27
hello.. change the following line:

$listForums2=(isset($forumEx) && $forumEx!='')?preg_replace('#<option([ ]+)selected="selected"([ ]+)value="('.$forumEx.')">(.*?)</option>#is','',$listForums):$listForums;


$listForums2=(isset($forumEx) && $forumEx!='')?preg_replace('#<option(([ ]+)selected="selected")?([ ]+)value="('.$forumEx.')">(.*?)</option>#is','',$listForums):$listForums;

(the difference is in this part of the code: (([ ]+)selected="selected")? (notice additional brackets and a question mark after the last bracket)

Let us know how it works.

Author lime
#7 | Posted: 10 Jul 2007 10:40
It' perfect Sergei, thanks =)

Author caca
#8 | Posted: 14 Jul 2007 12:38
how to replace the text "new topic" for image bottum ?

Author Sergei
Team member
#9 | Posted: 17 Jul 2007 16:38
hello. i see you've asked about other button replacements in another topic too :) The simplest way is to go to the lang/eng.php (or whatever your language pack name is) and replace words there like "New Topic" with your image HTML code like <img src...>

Author Sergei
Team member
#10 | Posted: 20 Jul 2007 18:05
The addon has been updated today. The issue described by lime is fixed now in the official release.

Author Steve Shaw
#11 | Posted: 2 Mar 2014 15:54
Having used the compiler to set everything up I now realise I would like to remove the 'Start New Topic' option from the first page - but I can't work out how to do that...

Any pointers appreciated!


Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#12 | Posted: 3 Mar 2014 15:44
If you are about the "Configurable topic form" add-on, in bb_plugins.php its code has the following:

$firstPage=1; // 1 - to enable 1st page topic form, 0 - to disable
so you probably have to set it to 0.

Author Steve Shaw
#13 | Posted: 3 Mar 2014 15:55
Perfect - thanks!

Author daniel77
#14 | Posted: 26 May 2019 13:32
Having used the compiler to set everything up I now realise I would like to remove the 'Start New Topic' option from the first page - but I can't work out how to do that...

Any pointers appreciated!

Author tom322
Active Member
#15 | Posted: 27 May 2019 01:15
Best is to check this addon and read the installation - then reverse it in your files.

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 New Configurable Topic Form
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