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Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#16 | Posted: 2 Jan 2008 07:49
In bb_plugins.php, in the code of this add-on, there are conditions like




Just disable or remove these conditions.

Author MyFairTux
#17 | Posted: 3 Jan 2008 01:51
Works perfect - thank you for the quick answer and - with reference to another thread ;-) - this is not "normal" (in a very positive manner) :-)


Author anug
#18 | Posted: 21 Jan 2008 01:21
is there an option to allow multiple voting from same user?

can i grab the poll and display in other parts of my website?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#19 | Posted: 21 Jan 2008 04:11
is there an option to allow multiple voting from same user?

- sorry I didn't understand the question. If you mean could the same user to vote in the same poll if he's already voted - the answer is NO, of course.

can i grab the poll and display in other parts of my website?

- if you know the programming well, I think it would be possible...

Author Guest
#20 | Posted: 22 Apr 2008 07:41
i just purchased the poll add-on realise that a user is only allowed to cast one vote for a particular poll. Is it possible to allow multiple voting for a user on a single poll...i know by doing that the result may not be accurate..but i just need this feature....anyway i can do it???

Author Guest
#21 | Posted: 22 Apr 2008 08:01
hi, i try to vote a particular poll using multiple ID from the same IP...but problem is after i make the first vote, subsequent vote using different id cannot be says

"Sorry, your vote can not been accepted! This could happen because you are not allowed to vote in this Poll (Guest voting could be disabled),...blablabla.............."

how does this voting i not allowed to cast vote from different ID even its the same ip...thanks

Author Guest
#22 | Posted: 22 Apr 2008 08:32
with regards to the above post...just in case you do not understand what i mean.....

example i create a fresh new poll and i have 2 accounts for my website, namely id001, id002.....after logging in with account id001, i cast a vote for a particular poll....after that i logout and log in with account id002, when i try to cast a vote, there is an erorr(mentioned above) seems that its allowing one vote per ip....not sure...doesn't seem to be the case in the demo i missing anything?

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#23 | Posted: 22 Apr 2008 08:52
Is it possible to allow multiple voting for a user on a single poll
It's possible to allow when you create or edit a poll. Note the tab saying "What kind of type will be this Poll of?" and the options beneath.

i try to vote a particular poll using multiple ID from the same IP
I am not sure which version of the Polls add-on you have downloaded?
In the recent version, in addon_polls_options.php settings file, there is an option called $ignoreIPs. If it's set to TRUE, it will be allowed to vote under different accounts, but from the same IP. If it's set to FALSE, the main checking routine will be done by IP only, and most likely it won't be allowed to vote from the same IP under different accounts.

Author Guest
#24 | Posted: 22 Apr 2008 10:32
what i mean is that, a single user is able to vote a poll for more then one time....after the user submit a vote, he/she is able to go back and vote again....possible? or anyway i can hack it.......thanks

It's possible to allow when you create or edit a poll. Note the tab saying "What kind of type will be this Poll of?" and the options beneath.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#25 | Posted: 23 Apr 2008 02:14
Voting is possible only once, in any case, not depending is it one-vote poll or multiple (it is stated on the product page as well - Only one voting per user is accepted).

Author Guest
#26 | Posted: 25 Apr 2008 01:07
Voting is possible only once, in any case, not depending is it one-vote poll or multiple (it is stated on the product page as well - Only one voting per user is accepted).
Hi, i know the current addon doesn't allow multiple voting...i just want to know if it is possible to hack it to allow multiple voting..i know abit of php if you know how it can be done, please point me to the right direction..thank you...

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#27 | Posted: 28 Apr 2008 06:22
If you mean allowing to vote after the user has voted already, this could be done probably, but requires A LOT of modifications. I can't point you to the right direction because I don't know how do you see it implemented at all in steps.

In general, for me it's not clear, why would you need to allow that. What would be the sense of voting then? Any kind of voting can be rated as correct only when the first choice is done. When you are voting on political elections, you are not allowed to vote after the elections have been completed. The same is everywhere when the term "voting" appears.

Author keith
#28 | Posted: 6 Jun 2008 03:29
Is it possible to provide direct links to Polls in Polls list instead of opening pop-ups? So when I click on a Poll, it just opens in the same full window.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#29 | Posted: 6 Jun 2008 03:29
Modify addon_polls_list_cell.html

Instead of

<a href="JavaScript:void(0)" onclick="JavaScript:pollsPopUp('{$pid}', 'show');">

<a href="{$indexphp}action=polls&amp;step=view&amp;pid={$pid}">

Author Vishal
#30 | Posted: 26 Jun 2008 01:13
I seem to have a problem with the Checker after installing Poll addon. There is a message with poll. When I try to check-out the message (with poll) through the checker, or all the messages belonging to the same set, it is/they are not checked out of the queue. When I move to the next set of messages and try to check them out, they get cleared from the checker queue.

Update: OK, I believe this is because I have modified my Checker core file as in this message. Because of which, polls get displayed in the message queue. Any work around?

Update: I logged in as a test user and saw that the Checker problem doesn't exist. However, the message with poll is not displayed at all in the queue.

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