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Pre-moderation / Premoderation

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Author Vishal
#46 · Posted: 2 Feb 2012 08:39

By Spam, I actually meant messages in pre-mod queue. Sorry for the confusion.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#47 · Posted: 2 Feb 2012 11:33
Sorry for confusion :) I've thought somebody is posting kind of spam messages in Checker. Nice it's not true.

I understand now what you are about - adding an extra function to Checker which doesn't keep Pre-moderated posts, right?

I think there may be some difficulty. I see the possibility of how Checker would skip all of such messages, before saving them to cache. But as soon the message goes live, the Checker will interpret it different way, and will still show in a queue "after" it was accepted from pre-moderation.

Also, considering Pre-moderation add-on may be used by multiple members, meaning you have entered it and see some messages doesn't mean they are all of the new messages since your last appearance. Some messages in a topic also can not be in Pre-moderation queue, but they can be in your Checker. Checker just allows to review the topic in whole.

So I think, you must some way live with it - if you have both add-ons installed, then
- first enter and review all Pre-moderated messages,
- then enter and review the Checker (all topics and messages in whole with possibly new messages from the non-premoderated members).

That should avoid the confusion of this effect - obviously, you should not enter the Checker first ahead of Pre-moderation. Quite a native habit to work on, I think.

Author Vishal
#48 · Posted: 3 Feb 2012 17:11
So I think, you must some way live with it - if you have both add-ons installed, then
- first enter and review all Pre-moderated messages,
- then enter and review the Checker (all topics and messages in whole with possibly new messages from the non-premoderated members).
That's what I do. However, before I review pre-moderated messages, my members happen to see them through Checker.

Author tom322
Active Member
#49 · Posted: 3 Feb 2012 18:07
I've thought somebody is posting kind of spam messages in Checker.
I initially interpreted it the same way ;)

my members happen to see them through Checker.
Maybe it would make sense to disable Preview in Checker (provided you have it enabled).. Then user will only see the main title, not message preview.

Author Vishal
#50 · Posted: 4 Feb 2012 06:08
Maybe it would make sense to disable Preview in Checker (provided you have it enabled).. Then user will only see the main title, not message preview.
Yes that's one solution, but even I will not see the preview then. They (previews) are very useful for me to review daily forum posts.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#51 · Posted: 4 Feb 2012 13:40
If the previewing is just what you are about, it could be easily enabled/disabled for admin only or certain persons.
Or, it could be enabled for all pre-moderators, but will be disabled for all other.
It's just a few extra code in Checker, I think...

Author Vishal
#52 · Posted: 8 Feb 2012 07:16
I would be interested in the mod Paul!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#53 · Posted: 8 Feb 2012 10:32
You know my contact :) But I must say in advance that I can't handle it on an urgent basis.

Author Prince
#54 · Posted: 25 Jul 2012 21:22
Hi.. When tried to confirm a user's msg in forum got this error at the bottom of that page:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare getFileExt() (previously declared in /..../addon_fileupload.php:60) in .../addon_fileupload.php on line 65

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#55 · Posted: 31 Jul 2012 09:36
Try to put this in the line where it says so:

if(!function_exists('getFileExt')) {
function getFileExt(){
....function here...

Author benluke4
#56 · Posted: 24 Mar 2013 18:25

Need some help with pre mod - I've installed it and it works great - thanks.

How do i stop the pre mod messages appearing in 1st page new plugin and rss feed?

The reason i need this function is because the forum gets a lot of traffic through it and every night it gets spammed - between 10 and 20 mesasges. The spammers will continue to spam as the threads appear in the rss feed and the 1st pagge news plugin. I.E google will still find the threads and follow the spammers links.

If i could stop the pre mod messages appearing in the rss and 1st page news the spamming will decrease.

Please advise


Author Jaime
#57 · Posted: 24 Mar 2013 19:31
How do i stop the pre mod messages appearing in 1st page new plugin and rss feed?
Look here and then update both addons.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#58 · Posted: 25 Mar 2013 10:56
If I remember correctly, RSS add-on is already designed to work with Pre-moderation. But you may play $sort and $post_sort options. If you would like to avoid recent messages appearing, these settings must have 'topic_id DESC' and 0 values correspondingly.

As about 1st page news add-on, it is currently not designed to support Pre-moderation. But having the similar options set as described above, you may try to achieve that newest messages will not affect this module.

If you have some of the customized options in mind, we could try to work it out in the Premium support rates term.

Author Dransil
#59 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 01:49
I have a strange problem with this addon. I also have the captcha addon if that matters, running minibb 3.0.3

As a guest I go to my forum, post a message, enter in the captcha and it is sent for moderation. That is perfect.
Then I try to do a second post and it does not go for moderation but instead is posted as a Guest instantly.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#60 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 02:28
Could you repeat the same on miniBB demo webpage please?
Currently I've set it up to pre-moderate all posts.
I couldn't repeat the same there so far...

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 Pre-moderation / Premoderation
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