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Pre-moderation / Premoderation

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Author Dransil
#61 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 03:05
yeah its working there perfectly
i've set my forum to premoderate only "new users" and people on a list that i choose

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#62 · Posted: 12 Mar 2014 22:39
i've set my forum to premoderate only "new users" and people on a list that i choose
Please try to set the same on the demo site, and test it there. Admin l/p is given on the primary domain.
If it won't work with the same settings - let me know.

Author Dransil
#63 · Posted: 15 Mar 2014 22:15
Thanks a lot Paul!
I forgot to add the user ID "0" to the premod list and it is now working the way I want it to

Author K3Exe
#64 · Posted: 16 Mar 2014 20:09
I just bought where is the download link :/

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#65 · Posted: 16 Mar 2014 23:30
The download link has been sent to your email address on purchase.
If you didn't get it, it would mean your server blocked our automated email.
For any case, we recommend to check your spam or bulk folders, as you have gmail, quite possible you will find the access data there.
If not, contact us directly.

Author K3Exe
#66 · Posted: 16 Mar 2014 23:41
nice :)


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#67 · Posted: 16 Mar 2014 23:50
nice :)
Greetings to Chile! :)

Author harootun
#68 · Posted: 6 May 2014 21:58
I'd like to use the posts_not_visible hack but I'm a little nervous about adding it to the bb_plugins.php file. I also have a file upload hack installed and I'm not sure about how to put the posts_not_visible hack in with it in both places - parseTopic() and parseMessage().

Any advice appreciated!

Author Jaime
#69 · Posted: 6 May 2014 23:06
It work by me at the top in bb_plugins under

function parseTopic(){

/* Premoderation hack - do not display pending messages at all */

and then

/* File Upload addon hack parseTopic part */

The same place under

function parseMessage(){

/* Premoderation hack - do not display pending messages at all */

and then

/* File upload addon */

Try it ... you can not get more than one error message ;-)

Author harootun
#70 · Posted: 7 May 2014 01:15
Thanks so much!!! I pretty much got the posts_not_visible hack working. It messed up some of my custom formatting but I can fix that.

My question now is that the message shows up in the "Recent Topics" list. I think this will confuse members, if they see that there's a new post listed but then click on the topic and then see nothing. So maybe I won't use this hack after all.

Is there currently a way to make the posts invisible to members in the "Recent Topics" list until the new message has been approved? I read through this thread and saw some discussion of it but thinking there is not a way.


Author Jaime
#71 · Posted: 7 May 2014 11:41
But it's also confusing for an writer of a post if he can now not see his last post or an hint to the still pending release of his post ;)

Try this under parseTopic function


/* START Premoderation hack - do not display pending messages at all */
/* END - Premoderation hack */

Now all guests not seeing the sign for the pending messages. Play something with the values of the variable user_id ... ;-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#72 · Posted: 7 May 2014 21:56
Is there currently a way to make the posts invisible to members in the "Recent Topics" list until the new message has been approved? I read through this thread and saw some discussion of it but thinking there is not a way.
The add-on works the way like it's provided now, and the approach you mention, is not possible in the current version.

For members it's not quite confusing. They see that their message went to the queue, and they see they have a latest reply on the thread, which is just not visible. Afterall, it gives an impression something has been posted, so they have just to re-click the thread each hour to check if their message didn't went away :-)

I suppose it's less confusing that if you post something and never see your message again, so you can't be even sure if it has been posted or not.

Try it - you will see it on your own. It doesn't confuse users, more so - I think it works for them.

Author Jaime
#73 · Posted: 13 May 2014 11:57
Hi Paul,

In my forums only registered users are allowed to write. In recent discussions and topic lists, the reference to a pending activation is displayed.

But there (templates main_last_discuss_cell and main_topics_cell) i show only the title of the posts, no other information (topicauthor, date etc.)

But for this case, for this hint (messages waiting for validation), i would like to show the name of the user (before or after the note) who wrote the post and still have to wait for the approval.

Is this possible without much effort?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#74 · Posted: 13 May 2014 13:28
Without much effort, it's not possible. I can't give the solution in a minute of free support. But overall, I suppose, it would be possible. Requires some longer way of thinking ;)

Author Jaime
#75 · Posted: 14 May 2014 12:57
Requires some longer way of thinking ;)
Well, yeah .. and your brain cells are younger than mine ... Why i hope your cells work better than mine ;-)

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 Pre-moderation / Premoderation
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