Hi, Paul.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Could you repeat the same on miniBB demo?
No, I couldn't: miniBB Demo; therefore, the problem lies at my end. *grimacing*
Also, make sure you're truly logged in as the Administrator - with the login/password provided in setup_options.php.
Yes, I am truly logged in as the Administrator on my miniBB ... now broken miniBB.
The other thing I have noticed is that while logged in as the Administrator, on the rare occasion the Pre-moderation pending items indicator would actually indicate the
same details as what the Moderator would see (i.e., both Admin and Mod would see "Pre-moderation [1/1]" instead of Admin seeing one thing and Mod another)!
On those rare occasions, however,
one of two things would invariably happen to the Administrator's view ...
a) if the Administrator refreshed the window, the indicator would "reset" to "Pre-moderation [0/0]" (all the while the Moderator would still see "Pre-moderation [1/1]")
b) if the Administrator clicked on the link "Pre-moderation [1/1]", the next page would indicate nothing was pending approval! Subsequently, the indicator would return to "Pre-moderation [0/0]".
The other changes I made to my miniBB on the day I installed Pre-Moderation 2:
- upgraded miniBB to 3.2.2;
- installed pre-moderation 2;
- uninstalled the old pre-moderation add-on;
- installed advanced anchors add-on.
Any advice on next steps, Paul?
With thanks.