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Author Stan
#46 | Posted: 2 Apr 2016 21:28
Hi Paul. Did you receive my email ? I sent it a few days ago.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#47 | Posted: 3 Apr 2016 21:39
Hey, it went to the bulk folder for some reason...
Got it today and will check tomorrow; will post here for an update.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#48 | Posted: 5 Apr 2016 23:26
Hey Stan,

from what you've sent me I could say that you didn't include the Preview add-on in the compilation at all. In your package, this core file for preview add-on is missing: addon_preview.php. So I'm not even sure what you did and how... surely, if the add-on is not included in the compilation, it will not appear anywhere.

Also, I'm not sure why (couldn't repeat it that way with the Compiler); but in the package you've sent me, there is no admin panel file named 'nn_admin.php' like you possibly specified it upon the compiling; there's another admin panel name - nn_divinity.php, not sure why it happened so? What did you type to achieve this? ;)

Author Stan
#49 | Posted: 9 Apr 2016 13:22
I guess I sent the wrong file... *facepalm*
I experimented so many times that my minibb folder is messed up and full of different extracted compiled archives. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Author Paul
Lead Developer 
#50 | Posted: 9 Apr 2016 22:00
I hope, each compiled package contains the README file, which says what kind of add-ons are compiled in... and I hope you found the proper one in your software forest ;)

Anyway, if you have the trouble again, just send me the file.

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