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Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#16 · Posted: 5 Oct 2007 10:48
The code you were referred to, is for miniBB version earlier than 2.1 and that means doesn't supported by us.

Downloading the new version of the Signatures add-on, compatible with miniBB 2.1 only, you will be able to set up any kind of BB code available in Signature, modifying bb_codes_sig.php.

Author Anonymous
#17 · Posted: 5 Oct 2007 13:51
Please show me - how new rich signatures are working?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#18 · Posted: 8 Oct 2007 02:52
You can see on minibbtest.

Author Danny2000
#19 · Posted: 2 Dec 2007 14:23
Is it possible that moderators can delete the users signatures (something like avatars)?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#20 · Posted: 3 Dec 2007 03:52
With the latest release of miniBB, moderators should be able to edit users profiles (but of course signatures solution should be also installed from the latest package). That way you can delete or modify the signature.

Author Danny2000
#21 · Posted: 3 Dec 2007 14:46
Thank Paul,
So, I have to upgrade my forums ;-)

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#22 · Posted: 4 Dec 2007 03:02
I have to upgrade my forums

You always should have the latest release... we are not supporting older versions since the new release is coming out.

Author mark
#23 · Posted: 24 Jan 2008 12:44
sorry if this is the wrong forum

ok ive got a wired one ive been having problems with my bb code mainly with it in Signature addon that it just doesnt work

ok line 89 in bb_codes.php :

$pattern[]="/<a href=\"([^<> \n\r\[\]&]+?)\" target=\"_blank\"( rel=\"nofollow\")?>[ ]<img src=\"([^<> \n\r\[\]]+?)\" alt=\"(.+?)\" (title=\"(.+?)\" )?style=\"width:[0-9]+px\" \/><\/a>/i";

now the bit where you have ?> is killing the code from what i can see i could be wrong but i cant make any sense out of it other than this is stop the sript from running correctly

copuld you please just conferm this is correct its from the newest download you can get


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#24 · Posted: 25 Jan 2008 03:44
Signatures add-on doesn't use bb_codes.php file at all. bb_codes_sig.php must be a separate file. In README.txt is says Copy bb_codes_sig.php to your forums folder not copy the code from it to bb_codes.php. It is a separate codes file related to the signatures add-on only, so you can modify the codes in it and they will be available in Signatures field ONLY.

If I correctly understood your problem let me know...

Author mark
#25 · Posted: 25 Jan 2008 04:41
sorry had a long day yesterday and was looking in the wrong file to try and solve my problem.

anyway i have the bb_codes_sig.php loaded on the server and have followed the readme file to the letter

what is happening is when you create the [ img ] tag in your sig its just showing them as they are and not creating the html to show the image but you can us the [ b ] and [ u ] in the Signature and it works

hope that explains better


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#26 · Posted: 25 Jan 2008 05:55
I am still not sure what you mean, have just tested it on minibbtest and [img] code works with no doubt.

Be sure you are using it properly, like...

[ img=http://your_url_to_forums/img/button_bold.gif ][ /img ]

(no spaces in tags above)

Author mark
#27 · Posted: 25 Jan 2008 06:34
im so sorry user error

had been trying like that forgive me

[ img ]http://your_url_to_forums/img/button_bold.gif[ /img ]



Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#28 · Posted: 25 Jan 2008 06:36
You can set up your own code as well but only modify bb_codes_sig.php properly ;-)

Author trc4949
#29 · Posted: 14 Sep 2009 13:26
i have the signature addon... but i notice when i am not logged in, the urls in signature part of post are not clickable, they are just displayed as regular text.

a fix for this ?

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#30 · Posted: 15 Sep 2009 01:29
Are you sure this is displayed only for guests, not for everybody?

At least I know Signatures add-on is not even planned to work that way.

It may work with or without BB codes. If you would like to allow URLs clickable in Signatures, you need to use a special BB code for that, in pre-installed BB codes mode. If you just type the clean URL, it won't be highlighted in all cases.

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