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Super: Charmed!!!

Author lancy
#1 · Posted: 21 Oct 2010 00:09
Well, this here is the final season of charmed. The Charmed Ones, PIPER HALLIWELL, PHOEBE HALLIWELL, PAIGE MATTHEWS return for the final time, with LEO WYATT , to battle demons & warlocks before they go on to the next phase in their lives, where they would leave a legacy to the future Halliwell witches, who are soon to come. "Still Charmed & Kicking" .Presumed dead, the Charmed sisters start their demon-free existence with new identities brought about by a spell that altered their appearances to the outside world, but not to those closest to them.


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Author Guest
#2 · Posted: 26 Nov 2010 15:20
U2 - Scarlet - Live in Auckland 26/11/10

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 Super: Charmed!!!
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