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This boards doesn't seem to work

Author Anonymous
#1 · Posted: 14 Jun 2006 00:58
But it did

Author Anonymous
#2 · Posted: 14 Jun 2006 01:00

Author Anonymous
#3 · Posted: 14 Jun 2006 01:07
Aah - when I write an answer, I must go up to 'qwerty' and click down again on the topic to watch it.

If I make a mistake when I click 'Sign in/Post message' I'll never get any second chance. - I must go up to 'qwerty' and click down again on the topic....

When I try to use those last two fancy buttons, I get a warning that the anti-flood policy denies me to use 'http' in my message..

This is just silly. I'll go find some other bb.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#4 · Posted: 14 Jun 2006 09:08
This boards doesn't seem to work

- what boards? our boards are always up...

when I write an answer, I must go up to 'qwerty' and click down again on the topic to watch it

If you want to write an answer, you need to visit a thread where to post it, and go below the page (press Ctrl + Down if you don't know how to use browser's hot buttons) or click on "Reply" link at the top of the page.

If you want to post new topic, of course you need to go in desired forum first, and do the same operations.

If it's not easy for you - for sure, go and find more complicated BB!

If I make a mistake when I click 'Sign in/Post message' I'll never get any second chance. - I must go up to 'qwerty' and click down again on the topic

You need to click "Back" button in your browser and fix whatever you need... or if you want to edit your message after mistake - it's too much freedom for anonymous person! Register first, and you'll get more safe way to operate your messages.

When I try to use those last two fancy buttons, I get a warning that the anti-flood policy denies me to use 'http' in my message

Of course, until you are anonymous, you have the same rights, as usual spammer of flooder. That's why anti-flood filter will not allow to post your message with "clean" URL. But this is only an option - and if you don't want it on your own board, just do not install it!

This is just silly. I'll go find some other bb.

It's far silly, as silly is your posting. Go on and find another software, and write another silly reponse on their support board.

Author Dj.Bobo
#5 · Posted: 19 Jun 2006 09:28
I would like to see come chances to repeat the post, too. Captcha works great, however anti-spam protection lets me lose my posting when I type too often.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#6 · Posted: 28 Jun 2006 11:39
Ok, this all will be available in the final release.

qwerty miniBB Support Forums / qwerty /
 This boards doesn't seem to work
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