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Who wanted smilies? Let's test our new plug-in...

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Author Team
#1 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 12:58
Here we go. Test it and say what do you think before we release it oficially...

Greets to GoodMojo

Author GoodMojo
#2 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 13:03

Author GoodMojo
#3 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 13:04
there is a space after http:

Author Team
#4 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 13:09
Mmm... It seems a large words splitting problem.... mmmmmm....

Author GoodMojo
#5 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 13:11
No, not problem. Use double : at the beginning, look at my site and test it. It works.

Author GoodMojo
#6 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 13:14
I had the problem, when there was a : in the text an changed it. Now it works fine.

Author Team
#7 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 13:23
We completely rewrited your variant :) Now it's no need to change nothing except 1 line in index.php (include) and 1 line in bb_functions (only if you want in editing process smiles appearing back). We made it not via regexp, but more faster via str_replace. Did you tested your variant when user types for example :blah: and there is no such image?... So, the problem (damn, we have this problem!) appears in large words splitting... ***...

Author GoodMojo
#8 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 13:44
test it

Use thread Bilder, Links, BB-Codes and see how to link a smilie and to edit the posting, it works fine!

Author Team
#9 · Posted: 14 Mar 2002 15:13
I know, i know... we are fixing it right now...

Author Anonymous
#10 · Posted: 15 Mar 2002 00:21

Author GoodMojo
#11 · Posted: 15 Mar 2002 02:16
Versucht doch bitte nicht, aus dem miniBB ein maxiBB zu machen. Ich habe absolut keine Ahnung von php und so geht es vielen. Die wollen einfach nur ein Board in ihre Seite einbauen und das mit möglichst wenig Aufwand. Das Board ist in seiner Idee wirklich spitze. Ein Plugin, noch dazu ein so fragwürdiges wie Smilies sollte nie Bestandteil des Hauptprogrammens sein, der User sollte entscheiden, ob er es will und es dann möglichst einfach installieren könnnen.

Mein Vorschlag: in der nächsten Version von miniBB sollten die Funktionen enCodeBB und deCodeBB und ähnliche aus der bb_functions.php ausgelagert und in einer neuen Datei geführt werden, die mit include in die index.php eingebunden wird. Damit lassen sich einerseits sehr einfach viele Plugins realisieren, die auf HTML basieren, andererseits kann der versierte Nutzer diese Funktionen seinen Wünschen anpassen.

Sorry, my english is not good enough for this text.

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#12 · Posted: 15 Mar 2002 09:57
I have tried to realise what have you said :) It is clear enough and we will take into attention your advices. Of course, smilies plug-in WILL NOT released as main program part. It will released as a plug-in. Idea about splitting BB codes into different part also is nice.

Author vic
#13 · Posted: 15 Mar 2002 11:52
Here's a translation of GoodMojo's post done by Babelfish

Quote: "Tried do not ask nevertheless to make from miniBB maxiBB. I have absolutely no notion of php and in such a way go it to many. Those want to build simply only one board into their page and at as few an expenditure as possible. The board is in its idea really sharpens. A Plugin, still in addition a as doubtful as SMI-READ should constituent of the Hauptprogrammens be never, the user should decide whether it wants to be able to then install it and it as easily as possible.
My suggestion: in the next version of miniBB the functions should be stored externally enCodeBB and deCodeBB and something similar from bb_functions.php and in a new file be led, which is merged with include in index.php. Thus on the one hand very easily many Plugins can be implemented, which are based on HTML, on the other hand one can the experienced user these functions its desires adapt." End of quote.


Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#14 · Posted: 15 Mar 2002 12:57
So, we have fixed something, let's test how it works now......


Author GoodMojo
#15 · Posted: 16 Mar 2002 03:26
blah: blah::blah:: :

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 Who wanted smilies? Let's test our new plug-in...
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