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You must see: Prison Break

Author lancy
#1 · Posted: 21 Oct 2010 00:02
With a plot that sounds like it might have come from an Alfred Hitchcock or Brian De Palma movie "Prison Break" seemed the least likely candidate for buzz and a large following on Fox. I expected the show despite the high quality writing, top notch pilot episode directed by theatrical director Brett Ratner to tank with audiences. Boy was I wrong and happy about it. The suspenseful series got the right promotional push from Fox and luckily audiences were ready for another ground breaking series using a season long story arc much like "24" and "Lost". I would have expected a show like "Prison Break" to be on HBO or Showtime not on Fox's network. Reportedly the producers planned a shelf life of " prison Break" for two seasons recognizing the issues they had with shows such as "The X-Files". I suspect that if the show continues to be popular this will morph into something akin to "The Fugitive". The show also was clearly inspired by "The Shawshank Redemption" and the TV show "OZ" but has its own unique flavor making it much more than a simple copycat. Between top notch writing, directing and acting the show has become the only breakthrough hit from last season worth following.


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 You must see: Prison Break
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