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Your Baby Can Read: Early Language Development System

Author lancy
#1 · Posted: 20 Oct 2010 23:59
At first my daughter watched it just like any other kid's show. Now, she knows they will say the word twice, and she looks down while they are saying the words, and then looks up when they show the fun video part. So I have added flash cards that I show to her at other times. I made sure to write the words in lower case letters so that they will look like the words she sees on the video. I just do a few at a time, since her attention span isn't very long, and I don't want to make reading a chore for her. I also write the words on her magna doodle in an attempt to make it more interesting. She knows how to read many words from the DVD by sight, and is the talk of the town, but of course she cannot sound words out. The theory behind "Your Baby Can Read" is that your baby will eventually figure out how to sound out words if she learns enough words. She confuses similar words pretty often, like yes and eyes. She also forgets a lot of the words if I don't review them with her for a couple of days.


your baby can read dvd
prison break dvd 1-4
the tribe dvd 1-5
charmed dvd 1-8
true blood dvd 1-3

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 Your Baby Can Read: Early Language Development System
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