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footer disappearing

Author harootun
#1 · Posted: 7 Jan 2007 17:17
i've just installed miniBB and have been wrestling with the setup, basically putting the shell of my site around the forum. Followed the instructions in the manual. This seems to be working, except in a few cases where the header and footer disappear (such as when I go to the admin panel. Or when I edit a post).

I'm just testing things out, and would appreciate any suggestions how to fix this problem.

I've tried setting things up other ways, but run into the "Cannot Modify Header Information" message and can't seem to make it go away.


Author harootun
#2 · Posted: 8 Jan 2007 18:19
Never mind. Got it working well enough by putting everything into main_header.html and main_footer.html. Could probably have done it with my own php header and footer had I found this post earlier.

Perhaps this info should be more prominent. Of perhaps it already is and I missed it (much more likely!).

My first post got moved to the trash can! Woo hoo!!!

Author Paul
Lead Lead Developer
#3 · Posted: 9 Jan 2007 03:32
My first post got moved to the trash can! Woo hoo!!!
because it's not compliant with the forum rules.

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 footer disappearing
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