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List of topic titles on homepage

Author Pille
#1 | Posted: 27 Apr 2004 11:51 
I know there are two addons for displaying latest forum topics/news on your homepage (First page news and miniBB 2 Homepage includer). Both are very nice but I am looking for something a bit simpler.

I'll try to explain: I just want to display a list of 5 or 6 topic titles that have been recently replied to. No dates, poster names, views etc., just the titles as links. If a title is longer then (lets say) 22 letters the rest will be cut off and replaced with ... Also there has to be a way to leave out closed forum stuff.

I have some ideas but I'm stuck. Can anyone help?

Author Team
#2 | Posted: 27 Apr 2004 14:13 
Almost of the things could be done with First page news. Remove unnecessary fields from HTML template and set a list of forums you want to display topics from.

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